What a cuddler he is!

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As we drive to the hotel he holds my hand tightly. I love the feeling of his warm, smooth skin on mine. We pull up to a target and he hops out and unfolds my wheelchair. As he always seems to do he swoops me up lying me gently in the seat of the dark blue wheelchair. It is nearly 10 at night so the store is a little crowded but beginning to die down.

He wheels me into the store, and sets a basket on my legs.

"Get whatever you want. Clothes for a couple days, food, drinks, makeup, I don't give a crap. I am going to treat you right, starting with getting you all you need in your time of injury.", he says looking at me with a huge smile.

"Awe thank you Lou. I will make sure we have the stuff for a necessary good time", I giggle.

I point onward towards the clothes. I see a few cute pj tops and bottoms. There are two tops, one men's, one women's. I grab them both. They say His princess - Her knight. The bottoms match in a blue and black plaid pattern. We march forward and I pick out a pair of slippers. I see some cool batman ones for men and look up at Louis, who can't wipe that stupid smile off his face! He nods, and I let out a small excited squeal!

I grab Cheetos, Nutella, Ben & Jerrys, cookies, microwave popcorn, Mountain Dew, and Cupcakes. We head to the check out. He giggles at my choices.

"What I for real got us some good food!", I shout a little to loud for the store.


Louis POV

I watch her hop from the couch in the suite, to the flat screen. My Netflix account was hooked up to the T.V now and she went to grab the remote. I finish putting all the snacks on the tray and carry it to her. I set the tan tray on a pillow that sat between me and Eleana.

"What are we watching?", I ask her.

"Ummm ... I was sorta ... Uh .. Thinking Twilight ... Is that okay?", she ask me. Is really asking me this. Of course it's okay! This girl was mad. Could she not see I want everything she wants?

"That's fine.", I try to play it off. I didn't want to seem like a girl myself. She pressed play on the remote an the introduction to the movie played. I didn't know much about this movie except Edward was a vampire, Bella loved him, he loved Bella, and something was up between the vampires and the Indians who lived on the "reservation"? She munched on my popcorn the whole time.

"I want someone like Edward.", She whined," He looks at her like she is the best thing ever. And he would risk everything to keep her alive."

I smile. I guess I'll just have to too Edward to win her heart. I know we have only met about sixteen hours ago, but we have been through so much. So many things that all relationships go through. Her injuries, our first kiss, a hotel room, movie night, and experiencing her quirky shopping routine. I sit here in matching pajamas, and all I can think about is this moment lasting forever. My life was a mess before I met her. She stumbled into my life, well technically I stumbled into hers, anyway now I can't imagine my life without her. I have to find a way to make this stupid past sixteen hours last forever. My train of thought was broken when she pulled my fave so I was looking directly into her eyes.

"Hey, you! Are you ignoring me, or are you in some other dimension?"

"Uhh sorry, I was just thinking. What were you saying? I didn't mean to be rude."

"Oh Lou your fine I was just wondering if we could go lay down. I'm tired." She says leaning against my shoulder.

"Yea, let's go get you your meds and we will go lay down."

"Oh yea I forgot I had those, my foot doesn't even hurt."

I get up and pick her up with me, walk over to the kitchen area, and set her on the counter. I pulled up a small pink bag that she put all her prescriptions in. There are two different bottles. One is for the pain, an the other is to keep her blood flow clean so the gashes and stitches don't get infected. I hand them both to her along with a small glass of cold water. Eleana gulps them down and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling herself onto me.

I stalk off towards the bedroom. She lays in my hands, resting her head on my shoulder like a toddler.

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