Louis for Ransom

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Louis's Point of View

She snorted! It was one of the most beautiful noises I have ever heard. Yet when she did it she seemed to be disappointed in herself.

"Love? What's wrong?", I question rubbing her shoulder.

"I ... I can't believe I just snorted in front of you", she stammered.

"Oh love, it's okay! I honestly think it was adorable! I wish you would do it more often!"

"Really? You don't think it's disgusting or gross?" She looked confused with me. But u truly did love it!

"No I think it is beautiful!" I felt myself smiling from ear to ear. I laid my head on her shoulder.

After a few minutes of us just laying in each others arms I asked," Would you like your breakfast now, love?"

"Oh yeah I forgot. Sure, what did you bring me?" She said peeking her head over to the table where the tray laid.

I stood up and wiped the rest of the spit and water from my face and clothing.

"I hope you like omelets!", I say.

"Ummm ... Are you mad?" She blurts," Of course I love omelets!"

Good I think to myself. I carry her the tray that contains ice for her foot, her meds, and her breakfast.

I sit next to her as she gets settled and digs in. All of a sudden she puts the fork to my mouth. A yellow piece of egg and cheese settled on the end of the silverware. I open up and take the bite into my mouth. I chew it up and swallow it.

"So are you going to tell me why you couldn't breath and then spit water all over me?" I question and set my head on her shoulder.

Eleana's Point of View

"So are you going to tell me why you couldn't breath and then spit water all over me?" He questioned setting his head down on my shoulder.

Oh geez I forgot to explain the reasoning for me being so rude to him.

"When you were making me breakfast a checked my texts. I had a few from my roommate and sister, but when I saw I had texts from four unknown numbers I was confused." I stated.

He sat up and gave me a "Oh god please tell me this is not what I think" look. Sorry Lou it is!

I continue," I open them up and they are a bunch of crazy texts from your band mates."

And as if on cue, my phone buzzes up. A number on my phone is requesting a phone call. I look at him and pick up my phone. I quickly answer it and place it on speaker.

"Hello?", I question to the person in the phone. I shoot Louis a confused look. He shrugs.

"I know who you are!" A deep voice replies on the phone. I was kind of afraid till I see Lou smile. He mouths "play along, act afraid"

"What?" I gasp.

"Your names Eleana Salvatore!" A new voice buts in.

"WHO IS THIS?" I shout, trying not to laugh. Lou is biting his lips so her doesn't burst out in laughter.

"Is your precious little foot okay?" Yet again another voice says.


"What how did you knew that!" I shout into the phone," Who the hell are you?"

"Your worst nightmare!" The deep voice from the beginning replies.

"Well I'll have you know, your curls are way out of season and playboy over there better get over it and buy more hair gel!", I couldn't help myself anymore! I burst out laughing. Lou quickly joins me and I hear whispering in the other end.

"Hey boys! Yep my name is Eleana and I kinda have your best friend tied up in the bathroom of a suite! I used his credit card to buy it too!" I blurt.

Lou looks at me with wide eyes. I just wink and use my fingers to count down from 5!

5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1

"GIVE HIM BACK!" They all shout in unison.

"Only under these conditions! I need a new iPhone 7 plus and tons of Dorito Tacos from "Taco Bell"!", I shout through the phone!

I see Louis's face light up.

"You have 45 minutes to get these things and deliver them to room 862 on the top floor of the resort on 23rd street! If not Louis will die!" I hang up the phone and burst into laughter!

"I hope they don't tell anyone!" I say to Lou through bursts of laughter.

"They are too dumb, trust me they won't!" Lou shouts back.

"Okay, whatever you say. I'm going to take a shower real quick. Be back in 15." I say getting off the bed and grabbing the target bag.


I finish washing my hair and hop out into the cold air of the bathroom. I dry off and drop the towel onto the floor. There is a small hair dryer attached to the wall. I pull it off and use it on my damp brown hair.

In my purse that I take everywhere! I keep a small pouch of makeup. It consists of a tube of drugstore mascara, my liquid eyeliner, and some face moisturizer.

Once I finish cleaning up the bathroom I walk out to the kitchen. Lou is sitting on the counter sipping a coke.

I walk up to him and grab the bottle from his hands. The cold glass sends shivers down my spine. I take a small gulp of the dark liquid, and place it back into Louis's hand. He just sits there and smiles. Going back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

A pounding on the door gets both of our attention.

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