The Movers

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Great another move. Why can't my family stay in one place you may ask? That's because my dad's nasty temper gets him fired. I don't blame him. In all honesty, the people he worked with were jerks! Anyways, I'm Luciel Galter. I know weird name. DON'T LAUGH!! Sorry for yelling...its just I get teased about my name non stop. OK ok now to talk about what you're all here for. The "Man" in My Basement. It was the middle of summer. To be exact, it was July 25. We just moved in to our new house in the woods of Washington. There was a nice clearing around the house, almost like a boarder. But beyond that boarder, was endless, green forest. It was beautiful. Now the house, man was it gorgeous, looked like it came from a fancy english movie. I got the room on the ground floor. My parents took the master bedroom upstairs while my 4 year old sister got the room next to them. I know you guys are thinking 'man this kid is gonna hate that 4 year old'. No! I love her and we get along all the time! Ahem. Back to the story. Is was a nice and quiet house. Besides the floorboards freaked at night and we might have a rat problem. We ran into the previous owners and they complained about the rat problem. So when the exterminators arrived, they ran out screaming after they checked the basement. My parents soon got an uneven feeling, but they pushed it aside. We headed home a while later. I went to my room like normal while my parents and sister went into the kitchen to cook. I flopped on to my bed and let out a  long sigh. I swear I heard a voice whisper, "Why so long faced Luciel?" I jerked up and looked around. No one. I called myself insane. I got up and walked into the library where my mother's prized piano sat. I walked over and brushed the keys lightly. I sat at the piano and thought. Soon I closed my eyes and started to play. The notes just flew out of me. I didn't want to stop. It took me to a different world, no worries were alive. I didn't realize I had a small audience. My parents and sister. My mom smiled and swayed slightly. My sister got lost in the music as well. As for my dad, he just watched and was proud. I took no lessons it just comes out sometimes. When I finished everyone clapped and hugged me. I blushed slightly and laughed.

"My my dear! where did you learn that? It was amazing!" my mother asked hugging me again. I just shrugged.

"It just flows I guess" I laughed. She nodded as we all walked to the dinning room for supper. Oh and I know you guys are wondering so my sister's name is Dollie Galter. Dollie and I sat in our seats while mom and dad served the food. HOLY COW!!! It was like Thanksgiving at Grandma's. So we all started to dig in. As soon as we all got what we wanted to eat, dad started to talk.

"Now that we are all moved in, we can finally stay settled for good." he smiled for the first time IN CENTURIES. My mom smiled and kissed his cheek. Dollie started going off on what pets she wanted. I rolled my eyes and patted her head.

After dinner, we all got showers and into pajamas. Dollie went to bed early cause she wasn't feeling well. I was sent to my room for (and I quote) 'nasty attitude about the house'. Really?! -.- So me being trapped on my room, I stare at my ceiling. "Hun I'm telling you Luciel needs some friends from the town down the road. He's gone insane!" my mom walked by with my dad.

"I know that's why I'm hosting a neighborhood party." my dad replied a little too confident. They soon fought back and forth all the way to their room. I listened until the door shut. Ah finally peace and quiet. I laid in bed listening to the silence. As soon as I closed​ my eyes, I was startled to a sitting position. SCRATCH SCRATCH. I-It's coming from the walls?! I try to steady my breathing. Nothing worked. I soon start to hear footsteps creep up the basement stairs. 'No no! You're just dreaming Luciel! Just lay down and ignore it.' I thought to myself as I listened. The door to the basement opened. I could tell cause it creaks. The sliding steps seemed to stop just outside my door. I held my breath as the doorknob began to jiggle. I reached for my phone and dialed the police. The doorknob seemed to stop jiggling as I heard my sister's voice softly say, "Goodnight Luciel! I love you." I heard her door shut. After what seemed like forever, the footsteps seemed to drag off down to my parent's room!! I jumped and ran out faster then a jackrabbit running for its life. I darted to my parent's room as I saw the door slowly shut. I barged in and turned on the lights.

"MOM!! DAD!! GRAB DOLLIE AND RUN!! I'LL FIGHT IT OFF." I screamed. My parents jolted up out of bed shielding their eyes from the light. Dollie ran in hearing me scream. I looked around. NOTHING THERE WAS NOTHING!!! "B-b-but"

"LUCIEL GALTER" my dad shrieked. Uh oh....welp crap. It was time for the lecture. "Why the hell do you get us up in the middle of the freaking night screaming?!"

"Hun he must've had a nightmare."my mom took my side. I shook my head.

"NO and intruder came in here!! I HEARD THE FOOTSTEPS!!" I cried.

My dad ended up winning. I'm grounded from going outside and from playing the piano. Man did it suck! 'B-but I heard it. I heard it and saw it close the door. WHY WON'T ANYONE BELIEVE ME?! I-I'm not insane.." I sniffled and went to my room passing out.

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