The Kid Who Almost got Me caught

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Hello there. Now I understand you're wondering who this is. You'll find it out soon enough. Now my story starts with a basement. I'm not a normal creature like you. My kind aren't welcome cause we're said to ruin your lives till the END. Now that's exactly what I started to do to little Luciel Galter's life. I know you're thinking that I'm a jerk, well I am. It's my job. Now should I start will my appearance or go right in? Hahaha! Fools you'll know what I look like in Luciel's story. I will talk about how I became the awful creature I am. It all started when I was 16. I sat lazily in the same house Lucie and I are in. My parents were out shopping. I decided to snoop around. I headed to my parent's room. I was a mischevious child. So being that I looked through paperwork that was classified. What I found made me snap. There were piles and piles of adoption rejections. MY PARENTS HATED ME!!! That's why I have my name today. Once I found them, I grabbed all of them, took them near the fire place, and waited for my parents. they arrived and I burned 10 of them to get to get a small fire. "What are you burning dear?" My mom asked taking off her jacket. An evil smile apread across my face.

"Oh just some papers i found." I smiled. My parent's breath hitched. My dad left the room quickly. So it was just me and the hell maker. "Mom are you ok?" I teased throwing more papers into the fire.

"W-what papers dear?" my mom gulped. I picked one up and started to read.

"Hmm Marleine sounds nice! Oh and I found adoption rejections and some old family photos." I smirked. Tears flowed down her face. "It's good to know that my parents love me to death."

"DEAR PLEASE!! I WASN'T THINKING!!" she was helpless.

"OH SHUT IT YOU VIAL WOMAN!! YOU HATE YOUR ONLY SON!!" I snapped striking her across the face. My dad walked in and watched speechless. I soon shouted at the both of them. I stormed out and didn't return the rest of the night. The next day I returned and locked myself in the basement. I heard a loud crash from upstaris and mumbled, "Hopefully it's an intruder so my parents won't exist." I soon heard screams and jolted up. I darted ustairs to see the worst thing. My parents ripped in peices. I looked down to see a bloody knife in my hands and blood on me. I soon heard sirens and ended up taking own life. Then I met up with the big man himslef. The devil. I agreed to be a demon and swore to haunt the house I died in. And ruin anyone's life who moves in. So I kept my word. The only thing is my mom's soul haunts there and tries to warn everyone, but it always fails cause I end up winning.

Now when Luciel moved in, it was a whole different story. I decided to give him a fright ans whisper, "Why the long face Luciel?" His reaction was priceless! Then I heard him playing the piano. I was dumb founded. He didn't take lessons.

I sat in the basement and listened. "Now that we're all moved in, we can finally stay settle for good." I heard his dad say. I listened to their whole conversation over dinner. Then after the kid's showers, I heard Lucile say, "I swear we should get the house checked for rats! I hear scratching all the time." He must mean my stress scratches. So he was sent to his room.

Once the whole house was quiet, I headed upstairs. I started at Luciel's room. So I jiggled the doorknob, but I heard his sister say something so I headed that way. But Luciel ruined my curiousity by waking everyone. Luckily I escaped. But that's not the end of me. He should watch his back.

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