Chapter I: Charred Remains

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" Year 2097, extraterrestrial signals jammed the whole planet's electronic system, millions of electronically driven gadgets, and weapons were destroyed and set off, satellites fell and plummeted into the planet's surface and atomic weapons along with other war weapons were launched and stroke down random cities and places annihilating half of the planet's population." White on black digital words spewed on the screen. A slim figure held a metallic stick against the screen tapping on the selective words the children wrote down on their small devices.

"Furthermore, for unknown origin, a deadly virus was released in the northern hemisphere, no one was immune to such virus, and no one was able to prevent it from spreading it was named "TV23-J" or as those who understood named it; "the reaper." Due to this virus the human population was easily reduced to 1/4 of the total population left by the first catastrophe. The human race was driven off the surface of the planet and was forced to create a new civilization underneath the surface. This was the first civilization of the new century. The whole civilization that was not larger than a city was called, Haven, both by name and function." The words continued to write. More tapping and typing of students.

" Year 3011, the first report of living things to be found on top of the surface of the planet. Scientists stubbornly continued to search the surface of earth as the underground civilization grew underneath the dead lands. As they searched the surface using their protective clothes and oxygen tanks, Dr. Jung Dae Wi, found an existing plant on top the damp and dark soil of the surface. However as they tried to find more evidences of life by throughout searching the surface, that mere plant was the only sole survivor of the harsh conditions of the surface." The slides changed and a small plump but tall greenish plant was projected at the screen, students curiously peeked at the screen making sure to remember the small survivor's details.

" Year 3015, as the scientists searched the surface, air became more breathable, and more of the living organisms seemed to colonize the surface, less and less of the surface was considered desolated and the government of the haven city decided to create small civilization on the surface near the areas of the sightings of life." A video popped up as robotic mechanisms carried the blocks of supplies and materials building up small houses and buildings.

"Year 3030, civilization became more stable and people from the underground city abandoned the haven, people continued their life on the surface and that was the day that the humans finally recovered and reclaimed the surface of the former planet Earth. However only half of the planet's surface was explored. New scientists led by Dr. Frenchard Steverk and Eng. Min So Jin, took the burden to explore and experiment on the other half of the planet's surface." More white letters made their way on the digital chalk board and the burden of the screen made the hinges creak.

"Year 3034, the "desolamia search" or the search on the other side of the earth was postponed after the team returned to the city. They showed evidences of life but they seemed to represent that of a dessert, water was hard to acquire and the seasons seemed to be fixed on dry and rainy. Dr. Steverk named the area Desolamia, and Eng. Min proposed to create a big strong wall on the half of the surface of the planet to surround and protect the living city, Prosquantumia. As the research stated Desolamia was a harsh and dry hemisphere, livable, but dangerous." Metallic seats creaked as student uncomfortable moved there sore limbs from prolonged sitting.

"Year 3080, The war of Prosquantumia, half of the surface of earth isn't enough to sustain the sudden growth of the population, people revolted, and new governments formed. An all out war was fought by the prosperous and greedy people of the Prosquantumia against the poor and hungry people of the said living city. Due to power shortage and lack of money those who suffered poverty and shame were driven out of the city and into Desolamia, they were accounted as slaves and nobodies." The screen flashed and somehow the students were able to withstand the typing. (H/c) strands blocked her (E/c)eyes, her fingers grasped the small screen of the thin metallic gadgets as she glared at the white letters, Desolamia burned through her eyes, and mind. Such word left her skin crawling and her tongue taste bitter.

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