Iris (Part two)

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I woke up in a hospital bed. An I.V in my wrist. Not my hurt one. I looked over and saw my whole pack. Tears in their eyes. But Nick was no where. I felt a squeeze on my hand.

I looked over and some one was holding it. I looked up and saw Nick.

"Nick!" I yelled.

"Yeah Iris?" He said. I reached up and hugged him. It felt like ages since I had seen him. Even though I was still mad I had to admitt I needed him.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked every one.

"One day." Nick said and smiled at me. I smiled.

"I would never leave you guys." Beth came over and layed her head on my chest and cried. Violet, Ben, and Jack joined in too. They were all crying on me.

"Well I'll see you around." Dylon said and gave a half smile.

"Wait. What?" I asked.

"Well I caused all of this. And I know I will see you again later in life." He smiled slightly. "So I'll see you later Iris." He said and walked away.

Nick squeezed my hand slightly. I smiled up at him. It was sad that it had come to loosing Dylon. But some thing had to change and truthfuly I'm glad I didn't loose Nick instead. I heard the door close but I was glad to have Nick. Every one got off me and wiped their eyes. I heard some sniffeling. "Iris?" Violet asked and looked me in the eyes.

"Yes?" I said looking at her.

"Um... Whats happening with you and Nick?" She asked in a very small whisper. Now every one was looking at me.

"Um... We can talk about it later? I need to get out of here." I said being very paranoid. Nick took out my I.V. I stood up. I was in a nightgown. I walked over to the bathroom and found my clothes.

"Oh, she is up." I heard a nurse say as she walked in my room.

"Um... She is ready to leave." Nick said to the nurse.

"No. She still has some days, and we would like to.. To.. See her DNA more..." She mutter under her breath. I stormed out of the bathroom and walked right up to her.

"No one is studing my DNA." I snarled. This could very well be a trap and I'm not willing to stay and find out. I walked back to the bathroom and quickly stuck on my clothes. I walked out and stormed past her,

"WAIT!" She called after us. "Gaurds!!" She yelled. Crap. I quickly went into a sprint. My pack followed right on my heels. Considering our luck we were followed by two gaurds. They were fast, but we were faster. We bolted out the door and ran down the street. We ran to our cave. I skidded to a hault when I saw all the blood I had lost. It was a lot. Thats all I will say. Nick stopped right next to me as he gestured to the cave for the others to go ahead. They went to the pond and hopped in. Nick took my hand and just held it. I was staring in horror at the now mostly red dirt. I pulled up my hand and looked at the now fully healed scar. Nick Pulled me into a gental hug. I huged him tight not wanting to ever let go. But I did. I heard the pack calling our names. I felt really happy for once. I sprinted to the pond and leaped off the dirt. I felt myself falling. I closed my eyes and sucked in a deep breath. I made a huge splash. I swam up to the top of the water. Wet hair clung to my face. I floated on my back gazing up at the stars. Everyone else swam up to me and floated on their back too. When the water got too cold we all hopped out and made a small fire in the cave. Iris, We need to speak.

Chapter 11

"Wha??" I sat up stright. My eyes wide as ever. Then a it felt like a gernade went off in my stomch. I kneeled over clutching my stomach. I heard a high pitch sound and relized it was me. I curled into a ball tears flowing un-willingly from my eyes caused by the pain.

Iris (Part one)Where stories live. Discover now