Iris (Part Four)

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As I lay in bed I relize why we are always hurt. We have barely had any training or any thing. We need to practice. I snuck into Nick's room and crept up on him. I reached down and snatched his hand forcing it backwards near breaking. He snapped awake and snapped out his other hand. It smacked the side of my face. I ran over trying to get to the light. He jumped on me and flipped me over and pinned my arms by my wrists above my head against the floor. He looked at my face.

"Iris? What are you doing in here!" He whispered/yelled at me.

"We need to be prepared in case they come for us again." I said looking up at him in his cold blue eyes. He nodded slightly making some hair hang over his eyes. Through the darkness I saw his lips curve into a smirk. I looked at him a little confused. He let go of my hands and unpinned me. I sat up. I was about to stand when Nick crawled over and was inches from my face. His eyes giving away a warm emotion. He sat on his knees and just stared at me in the dark. My legs out stretched.

"Iris," He said interupting my train of thought.

"Yes Nick?" I said.

"I... I...-" I put my finger to his lips.

"Shh," I said pulling my hand back. "I know." I said. He nodded.

"Do you want to wait till moring for training or wake 'em up now?" Nick asked.

"Um... Morning," I said. "I'm kind of tired right now." I was wide awake. He smirked again. I have I ever said I love his smile? No? Well I do. I looove it.

"Come on." He said standing up. I stood up and followed him. He grabbed a peice of paper. He wrote...

Iris and I are going out for a run. Be back soon.

His hasy writing sprawled across it and we took a room key.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we were in the elevator.

"I don't know. Just some where." He said. Once more he gave away no emotion. I wanted to know. But he would never budge. We got off the elevator and walked out the doors. The air was chilly but it was great. We went out into the open desert and changed into wolf form. We raced across the desert. The sun was rising faster than we thought. I was exausted. I wanted to sleep. So did Nick. We found a small dark cave and fell right asleep.

Violet was the first up. She wanted to check on Iris first. So Violet walked out and saw no Iris. She ran to Nick's room and no Nick either. She ran to Jessica and shook her awake.

"Nick and Iris are gone!" She cried. Jessica's eyes flew open. She hopped out of bed and woke every one up asking them if either one of them had Iris or Nick tell them any thing. Jessica headed towards the door. She saw note. She read it.

"Nick and Iris are out for a run." She called out and the pack came to read the note Nick had left. Jack grabbed their coats but Beth stopped them. They looked at her like she was crazy or something. But she pointed to the window. The sun was out and it was warm. They hung back up their coats. The pack went out and followed Nick's and Iris's sent. They arrived at a dark cave and saw Iris curled up in a ball against one back wall. Where was Nick? Violet asked her self. Beth, Ben, and Jack went around looking for clues of where Nick was. Violet walked in and shook Iris awake.

I woke up at Violet's touch. I rolled over and stretched. I saw there was note in my hand. I opened it and read it.

Iris I went out to do some thing. Oh and early happy birthday!

Nick's writing spelled out. Tomorrow is my birthday? Ohh yeah! It was! Ha ha I forgot. Violet read over my shoulder. She reahced down and hugged me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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