Chapter 26

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Contains a little more pg-13 kind of stuff (not really bad at all lol). I just have some younger audiences and I just wanted to let you know just in case :)


I do not own the characters of TV show teen wolf such as Scott, Derek, Allison, Stiles, and so on. I do not own the show teen wolf. I do not own the ideas of the TV show Teen Wolf. (Though I wish I could be such an amazing writer as the writer of Teen Wolf!!!) I do own my characters such as Emily and her friend Stephanie because I created the two girls.


Chapter 26:

--Derek’s POV:

That little contact of her skin against mine had triggered something that I had feared would happen. I watched over her as I could feel my breaths coming out faster and heavier.

All I could think of was, ‘shit.’ If it weren’t a full moon tonight I wouldn’t be acting like this.

To my surprise Em’s didn’t looked scared or frightened as she lay underneath me. Her face was surprised at first but now she just watched me as her eyes flickered with fire. All this did was encourage my dark side.

I still had her wrist in my grasp as I leaned down towards her. She moved her free hand towards my face and cupped my cheek in her small hand. A smile formed on her face and I could feel my self melting. The feeling of her skin against my own was almost enough to throw me overboard but I pushed that side of me back.

Her hand moved down my cheek and slowly down to the middle of my chest while her eyes never left mine. I could feel her fingers wrapping around the fabric of my shirt and gently tugging on it, trying to bring me closer to her. I could feel the smirk on my face as her face began to blush. She was being pretty brave now.

I obeyed her silent request and laid down on top of her more, carful not to crush her. Her legs moved apart ever so slowly so I could lay in-between them making us even closer. Our bodies were now pressed tightly together and I could feel the heat radiating off of her. I used my hand that wasn’t still gently wrapped around her wrist to push her bangs out of her face. She looked so beautiful as her breathtaking green eyes stared up at me.

Our noses touched as our faces were now only a mere inch apart. She leaned in a little closer and I could feel my eyes closing. My hand moved down her side, making its way to her thigh. I gently lifted her leg while gently pushing against her. I earned a gasp from her lips as she lifted her hips slightly. I had to suppress a growl as she wrapped her leg around me. I felt my fingers dig into the skin of her thigh that was now wrapped around my waist. It took everything in my power, not do anything I knew I would regret later. I couldn’t let this get any further. Not while I didn’t have much control.

I pulled away right before our lips could touch. If we were to kiss, I didn’t want it to be now. Not on a full moon, where my body could barely control itself.

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