Chapter 2

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Murphy's POV

I'm walking a few paces behind Bellamy and Finn, spear in my hand, listening for any movements in the forest. There's a crunch of leaves towards my right, we all stop and look in that direction. I can see something moving behind a tree. I take a step to my left to get a better view. It's a deer, I remember reading about them back on the Ark. I know they are not dangerous, but it's antlers look pretty scary. Bellamy takes a step forward and aims his spear at the deer. He thrusts his muscled arm back and then lunges the spear forward, hurtling it towards the deer. The deer jumps quickly, dodging the spear, and is running at full speed, straight towards Bellamy, with his antlers out in front.

I lift up my spear and just before the deer reaches Bellamy I yell, "Duck!"

The deer leaps over Bellamy's head as I throw my spear, hitting it directly in the chest. It lands in a tumble on the ground, and groans before it takes it's final breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask Bellamy, offering my hand to help him up. His shirt has lifted up, revealing his tanned abs. He's a dick, but he's sexy.

"Yeah I'm okay," he says, gripping my hand tightly in his and pulling himself up, "Finn, help me put the deer onto the tarp. We'll drag it back to camp."

I watch as Bellamy and Finn lift the dead deer onto the tarp, the muscles in Bellamy's arms bulging as he uses all his strength. I grab a corner of the tarp and we begin dragging it back to camp.

Bellamy's POV

We're heading back to camp with the deer, when we hear a loud horn sound. It doesn't sound like it's coming from the dropship.

"What is that?" Finn asks, pointing behind us. There's an orange fog headed straight for us. A swarm of cockroaches run over our feet, seemingly running from the fog

"Run!" I scream, dropping the deer and running back towards camp. I don't know what the fog is, or if it is dangerous for us, but I don't want to risk it.

As we run into camp I yell to everyone, "Get in your tents, now!" They all run towards their tents, luckily they had already been set up. I see Octavia with Jasper and Monty get into a tent, thank god she is safe.

Clarke is standing in front of us, "What's going on?"

"Just get inside your tent Clarke, there's no time to explain!" I yell at her. Finn grabs her arm and pulls her into the tent next to us. I jump into the one opposite, they're really only 2 person tents. I go to close the zip behind me, but Murphy is still standing outside.

"Get inside you idiot!" I yell to him. I grab his arm and pull him inside, quickly zipping up the tent just as the fog hits.

"What do you think you're doing? You're going to get yourself killed," I say to him sternly, holding him strongly by his shirt, almost lifting him up off the floor.

"Whoa calm down Bellamy, I was just checking everyone else was in their tents first," he explains, "And why do you care if I die anyway?"

I put him down slowly. "Uh... I don't," I say. But I know it's not the truth. Sure he's a criminal, but so are they all. And so am I... And what I did was much worse. He doesn't deserve to die.

So we sit on the floor of the tent. There isn't really anything in there, just a few blankets. But it's not cold anyway, it's actually pretty hot. It's getting hotter by the minute, because of the fog, and two bodies being so close together, in such a small space. I see Murphy moving out of the corner of my eye. I turn to look at him and see he's taking his shirt off.

"Sorry," he says, with the shirt half over his head. "It's just too stuffy in here."

He's facing away from me, so he can't see that I'm staring. He isn't muscly like most people would find attractive, but his skin is smooth and porcelain. It looks so soft. He turns around suddenly and catches me looking at him.

"How long do you think the fog will last?" He asks me, pretending that he didn't see me staring, even though I know he did. He's blushing slightly.

"I have no idea. We'd better be safe though and wait it out overnight," I say. It's already starting to get dark outside. I can hear my stomach rumbling, but I know not to pay attention to it, we'll find food in the morning.

I grab the blankets and lay them across the floor, so we aren't just sleeping on the hard ground. I grab the hem of my shirt and lift it over my head. I fold it up and put it on the floor, I'll use it as my pillow. I look over to see that Murphy is looking at my chest. He doesn't realise I'm looking at him, he's too busy staring. I cough to get his attention.

"Shit, sorry," he mumbles. I can see his cheeks turning red. I just laugh. I've had girls stare before, but never a guy. It kind of feels good.

"Don't worry about it, I know I'm too sexy to resist," I say jokingly.

Murphy's POV

I'm blushing like crazy. I can't stop staring, his body is just so perfect. Every muscle perfectly defined. I've never looked at a guy like this before. But I've never looked at a girl this way either. I've never really been attracted to anyone before, until right now.

*I hope you all are enjoying my story so far. I will try to update with a new chapter every day or two, and please let me know what you think of it*

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