Chapter 1

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It is 97 years after the bombs went off, and they're sending us to the ground.

Murphy's POV

The drop ship trembles as it passes through the Earth's atmosphere. To be honest I'm terrified, what if it's not survivable? What if we all die from radiation as soon as we open the door? I hold on tightly to the arm rests, as we plummet towards Earth, the drop ship shakes and beeps loudly, the rockets haven't fired up in time, it's going to be a crash landing. The parachute deploys and it slows us down a fraction before we hit the ground with a bang, thrusting my head forwards. We're on the ground!

I rub the back of my neck, it was sore from the landing. Everyone is getting out of their seats, so I do the same, following my friend Mbege to the drop ship door. In front of us is Bellamy Blake, he is from the same station as me back on the Ark, although I never was friends with him. His sister Octavia stands next to him, I remember her from the Earth Skills class we had to take before they sent us here, although I sure as hell didn't learn anything. I should have paid more attention.

They open the door as we all stand back, scared of what will happen, but nothing does. The bright sunlight shines in on us as our eyes try to adjust. I see the trees, greener than anything I'd seen before, and the flowers, all different colours.

I take a step forward, standing next to Bellamy now, "It's so beautiful," I say.

He looks over to me, "fucking hell Murphy, get away from me."

I may have forgot to mention that back on the Ark I wasn't liked by many. Bellamy Blake has always hated me. Even though he is 6 years older than I am, he had picked on me when I was younger, for the glasses I used to wear, and when I grew up, I burned down the quarters of his father, the man who had arrested my dad and got him floated. His father wasn't inside, so it wasn't murder, but I was still arrested for it.

Octavia steps forward and slowly jumps down onto the ground. "We're back bitches!" She yells out at the top of her lungs.

Everyone jumps onto the ground and starts running around, touching the long grass and the trees, breathing in the air. I follow some of them, with Mbege right behind me. Mbege is my best friend, we did everything together on the Ark, well all the illegal things anyway. I'd even stashed some weed in my pockets that one of my Guard Cadet friends had snuck to me on my way into the drop ship.

Bellamy's POV

I stayed close to Octavia, not wanting her to leave my sight. She was only 16 and with all these delinquents around, I didn't want her to be left alone with any of them, who knows what they would do.

"Bell, can I go for a walk? I want to look at all the flowers," Octavia asks me, with a sweet smile on her face.

I groan slightly, I really should stay at the drop ship, help everyone get their tents set up, and start planning what we will do for food.

"I have to stay here, O, sorry," I say to her, she gives me a really sad look. I turn around to see Jasper and Monty, I remember hearing about their arrests, it was only for stealing weed for personal use, they were harmless really.

"Hey guys, do you mind going for a walk with my sister?" I ask them, "I don't want her going alone."

"Yeah sure, we don't mind," says Jasper, and they walk off into the forest with Octavia in the lead.

I walk back to the drop ship and see Clarke standing beside it with a map, "They landed us on the wrong damn mountain," she says to me. "Now we have no food and we'll have to find water as well, and we'll have to find it soon."

"Right, I'll grab some guys and go hunting, hopefully there are still some animals on Earth," I say.

"Take Finn and Murphy," she tells me, "I'll stay here and set up the tents." I groan when I hear Murphy's name, but I don't want to argue with her.

I go into the drop ship and find some spears the Ark had given us for hunting, along with the handgun I had in my belt. I'm hoping no one will find out how I got the gun, and how I got onto the drop ship in the first place.

I head outside and find Finn talking to Wells Jaha, the Chancellor's son, "Hey Finn, we have to go hunting," I say, handing him a spear. "Wells, why don't you go and help Clarke, she's setting up the tents," I say, not looking at him directly in the eye.

Wells walks off and Finn and I go to find Murphy. We finally find him standing behind a tree with Mbege, smoking a joint. I take it out of his mouth and put it out against the tree,

"You're coming hunting," I say sternly to Murphy. I thrust the spear in his hand, and walk off into the forest, with Finn and Murphy in tow.

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