Chapter 3

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Bellamy's POV

We're still inside the tent, waiting for the fog to pass. Both of us are laying down now, just staring at the ceiling. It's too early to sleep.

I roll over onto my side and look at Murphy. I don't know why he's being so nice all of a sudden. He's always had such a bad temper, and I'm usually very good at setting him off.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I ask, as he turns his head towards me. "I thought you hated me."

"I do," he says, looking down at his hands, trying not to make eye contact.

"But you saved me with the deer, you could have just let it hit me," I said to him. I reach over to him and lift his chin up with my hand, making him look at me once again.

He smacks my hand away, "get off of me," he says sternly. I sit up and face away from him.

Under my breath I mutter, "Prick."

"What the fuck did you just call me?" He screams.

He tackles me to the ground, pinning my hands roughly to the floor. I could easily push him off me, but I decide not to. He obviously needs to blow off some steam. He puts one of his hands around my throat, pushing down on me. I'm staring at him directly in the eye, and he is staring back. He's shirtless and sweaty and his hair is a mess. I take my eyes off his for a split second and look down at his lips. Dry and chapped, but still irresistible.

He notices my glance, and looks down at my lips too, then further down my body, tracing his eyes over my chest. He looks back up to me, and putting all of his weight on my body, he falls on to me. Not just his body, but his lips. They're on mine. Rough and soft at the same time. I kiss him back. I slip my tongue into his mouth and he groans softly, low in his throat. I push harder against his lips with an intense need I've never known before. His lips are still salty from the nuts they gave us before launch. He grips my hair in his hands, pulling me in even closer, if that's possible.

He breaks away from me slowly, but not before sucking softly on my bottom lip. He's still sitting on top of me, his lips all red and puffy. He lifts his leg over me, and sits down beside me, leaving me staring at the roof of the tent, completely speechless. I just kissed John Murphy.

We don't say anything to each other for the rest of the night. We both just lay down on the hard floor, trying to get comfortable. I'm looking at him, his eyes are closed. It's so quiet that I can hear him breathing. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

Murphy's POV

I wake up to the noise of people unzipping their tents.

"The fog is cleared!" I hear Clarke say.

I look over at Bellamy, he's still asleep. Last night almost feels like a dream, except for the fact that I can still taste his tongue in my mouth. I sit up and put my shirt back on. I slip quietly out of the tent, not wanting to wake Bellamy.

"Hey Murphy, I'm heading out hunting," Mbege says from behind me. I turn around and see he has a spear in his hand. "Want to come with?"

"Um, no I'll help with collecting the nuts, yesterday's hunt was pretty exhausting," I say, as I head over towards the door of the dropship. To be honest I'm not really tired at all, I just want to be here when Bellamy wakes up. I want to see him again.

Clarke is standing outside the dropship with what looks like a long list of names.

"Hey Clarke, what are you up to?" I ask her.

She turns around and shows me what she's working on, "I'm planning the tent arrangements," she says.

"We've got 27 double tents, 6 three man tents, a couple of bigger ones that we can use for equipment and food storage, and then the drop ship. I was thinking girls in the drop ship, there aren't as many of us, and the boys can share tents. You good to share with Mbege and Bellamy? You guys seem to get along well," she says to me, as she adds more to her list.

My eyes must have widened when she said Bellamy's name because she is giving me a very concerned glare.

"Yeah sure, I'm happy with whatever. I'll grab some supplies from inside and get our tent set up," I say, trying to cover up my excitement of sharing a tent with Bellamy.

I'm inside the drop ship searching through the supplies for some form of light we can use in the tent when I hear screaming from outside the dropship.

"Help! We need help! He's been speared, he's losing too much blood!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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