Sick Liam (Niam)

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I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I promise to start postig a lot more :)


3 Person.

Dinner was just finished at the Horan-Payne house. Liam was clearing the kitchen as Niall left the room to play with their little 3 year old Anya.

Liam was wiping down table when out of no where the room started to spin around.

He looked to his husband and his daughter playing together and didn't want to break up there play time so he continued to clean up.

His head started to hurt more and more and his stomach become into a knot that became tighter and tighter, he has never felt like this before.

Later that night Niall put Anya to bed putting her in her bed, tuck her in and headed into his bedroom he shared with his husband.

He noticed his husband wasn't acting like himself, so slowly slipped of his jeans and his t-shirt.

When he heard gagging sounds coming from their bathroom. The door creaked open a little, light shining though.

He walked into the bathroom to see his husband bended over the toilet. Letting his dinner leave his stomach.

Niall bend down to rub his husbands back and whispered sweet things into his ear.

After a few minutes Liam was dry heaving. Once he was finished Niall handed him a cloth and his tooth brush.

"Thanks", Liam said trying to give him a small smile.

"Why didn't you tell me, you didn't feel well?"

"I didn't want to ruin your and Anya's fun."

"Awwe Liam you wouldn't have ruined anything, now let's get you to bed."

Niall help Liam over to their bed. They cuddled till they fell asleep.

The next morning Liam felt better, which Niall and him were both happy for till they heard.

"Daddy, papa I dont fe-" cutting their little daughter's voice off with the sound of vomiting.

"I got it", Niall said getting up and kissing Liam's forehead.


I promise to post more. Comment or message me requests :)

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