Tears (Larry)

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    I'm sorry I haven't written any for a while I promise to by next Saturday promise. I really am trying to write more I just dont I'm so sorry.

    This request is for S28667 sorry it took so long.

     (3 person POV)

      Louis had his arms wrapped around Harry's waist. It was the way they always slept. It's was their favorite way to sleep.

       Louis could feel sweat on Harry's back but though nothing of it as he had worked out just before going to bed, but there was also a great amount of heat coming from his body to which seemed very weird.

      Louis soon fall into a deep sleep, only to hear a sound, it sounded like crying. At the very early of the morning.

      It was only him and Harry in the apartment and he wasn't cry. It had to be Harry, the problem was Louis had never heard him cry before.

     "Lou, Louis are you awake," he heard a shaky voice mixed with tears.

      Louis rolled over to face Harry.

      "What's wrong, love?", Lou asked worried.

       "My stomach is killing me", Harry replied tears rolling down his cheeks.

       "Do you feel like you're going to be sick? "

        Harry just shake his head no, his stomach hurting to much to speak.

       "Well, how about I go get you some medicine and then we can cuddle", Louis said as he headed off to the bathroom.

        Soon Louis was back with the pills and a glass of water. Which he hands to Harry.

        "Thanks Lou", Harry said after taking a mouth full of water to shallow the pills.

       Louis climb back into bed and got back into his spot spooning Harry and gently rubbing his sore stomach in circle movement.

       "I love you Lou", Harry whisper just before sleep took over.

       "I love you too Harry", Louis whisperd.

A/N:Sorry it was so short. I hope to do another one soon, also sorry I take so long to update I'm trying to work on that.


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