Secretly Sick (Ziam)

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 This was my first request which was from 1Dsickfics, who is one of the account who got me to want to made my own sick fics, her's are amazing I love her Ziam family one. Go check her out! :)


Taylor ( age:17, Male)

Carson( age: 7)

Daniella (age:5)

 (Liam's POV)

 My alarm went off at 5:30 just like every morning. I turn it off quickly so I wouldn't wake up Zayn, even if he is a heavy sleep the alarm was loud. 

 I threw the cover off of me and stand up but quickly fell back onto the bed. The room was spinning, my head was killing me and my stomach was in knots but I couldn't wake Zayn up he was out late with an old friend till 1 in the morning.

 I headed to the bathroom, quickly getting dressed so I could get the kids ready for school. How in the world would I be able to drive, I wonder as the room was spinning again. I grabbed some medicine and contiuned on with my day.

 I first wake up my two youngest Daniella and Carson since they taking the long to get ready.

 "Daniella, love wake up for daddy", her eyes shoot open.

 She was so easy to get up in the morning. She wrapped her little arms around my waist, the knot in my stomach got tighter. You will be fine, I keep saying to myself hoping it would be true.

 I went over to Carson's room, he was just as easy to wake up as Daniella but when he hugged me to the knot just got tighter and tighter. I felt sick to my stomach at this point but hoped it would go away soon.

 I went to wake up Taylor, he was the hardest to walk up.

 "Tay, wake up", I said opening the blinds so the light shined in but it just made my headache worst.

 "Dad, you okay you like you are going to puke", I felt just like it.

 "I'm fine, come on I'm going to make breakfast", hoping the Taylor would drop it.

 I made my way downstairs, and start to make breakfast, the smell of food made me feel worst and worst. 

 Soon all 3 kids were downstairs. 

 "Daddy", Daniella's little voice can from behind me, "Why does you face look pale and green"

"Because daddy is an alien and if you don't eat your breakfast he will have to take you space", Hoping that she wouldn't contiune to ask question.

 I handed all the kids their breakfast, Taylor look at me like he know how I felt.

"Dad, want me to drive them to school" pointing to the other 2.

"Tay, I'm fine don't worry everything is all good"

"Okay whatever, aleast drink something if you not going to eat", he was challaging me and I know it.

"Okay", I went over and had a huge gulp of orange juice.

Once it hit my stomach, everything else started to come up from my stomach, I rushed to the bathroom.

 I held my hands over my mouth rushing to the upstair bathroom, Zayn and I shared so the kids would hear me.

 I shut the door and emptied out everything I had eat in what felt like the last month.

 (Zayn's POV)

 I woke up to see the light on in the bathroom and what sounded like someone puking, I looked at the clock 7 Liam would be up, and would have to take the kids to school soon.

 Oh no Liam, I rushed to the bathroom to see my husband's head in the toilet, puking. 

 I rubbed his back getting a wet cold cloth for the back of his neck.

 "Zayn you should leave", Liam said with a shaky voice in between of being sick. 

 He know I didn't do well with being sick.

"It's.... It's fine Liam", I said hand him his tooth brush.

 "Thanks", He brushed his teeth and I help him to bed putting a bucket incase he didn't make it to the washroom.

 Within 2 seconds of his head hitting the pillow he was out like a light.

 I made my way downstairs to where the kids were. Taylor had  the car keys helping Daniella and Carson with their jackets.

 "I though dad wasn't up to drive them, so I though it was be easier if I drove them"

 "Thanks Tay"

 "Bye Papa", Carson and Daniella yelled giving me a hug each.

 Soon all the kids were gone and I went back up stairs to help Liam.


Within 2 days of my help Liam was better and I didn't get sick which I was thankful for but on the second night Daniella walked into our bedroom around 11 at night.

 "My belly hu-" was all she could get out before puking all over the white carpet. Now anyone.


Thank you so much for the request! I would love to get more, comment or message me :)

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