Bus sick (Larry)

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   (3 Person)

   Harry and Louis cuddle on the bus going from place to place.

   Harry woke up and noticed that Louis was till asleep and didn't want to wake him. Harry noticed his head was in pain and his stomach in knots.

   Harry tried to be quiet and not wake up Louis, it work for the first hour. Till Harry's stomach got worst. 

   He tried to get comfortable, as he moved around Louis woke up.

   "Harry, are you sick?" Louis was worried and felt Harry's forehead.

   "I'm fine, I was just, just gettug out of bed love" Harry kiss Louis's cheek.

   Harry headed out of the bunk area and into the main area.

   "Woah Harry are you a ghost", Niall joked.

   "Don't know what you are talking about", Harry said his voice cracked.

   Harry walked into the kitchen to get an apple. He slowly bit into it. The more he ate the tighter the knot in his stomach grow.

   Liam walked into the kitchen and noticed how sickly Harry looked.

   "Harry are you okay, want me to get Louis for you", Liam was worried about Harry.

   "Liam I'm-" but before Harry could finish the apple was making its way back up.

   Harry bolted to the washroom let everything leave his stomach.

   "Haz Liam said you weren't-" Louis was about to say but before he finished he say Harry with his head in the toilet.

   "Harry why didn't you tell me?" Louis said gettig now on his knees rubbing small circles on his back.

   Once Harry was done Lou handed him a water bottle.

   "Let's get to back to bed" Lou put his hands to help Harry up.

    He help Harry to bed and cuddled with him till he fell asleep.

   3 days later Harry's stomach felt better, and Harry was happy till it all happen to go down hill again.

   "Harry! Louis just threw up he needs you"

   Uggh poor Lou was all Harry though.


   Here's my second one of the day :)

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