Our Favorite Places!

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Fluttershy: So These are the places we love to go to!
Rarity: Where we call home!
Rainbow Dash: or the places were forced the go on a regular basis!

Trotdale Academy: The Boarding school of the earth town, Trotdale.
There was NO FREAKING WAY I was naming the town Equestria. So I came with Trotdale. It felt right.

Horseshoe shopping center: The upscale outdoor mall. Features shops like sports central and sugar cube patisserie cafe.
There had to be a shopping center near the school, can't go without that!

Equestria Valley: The land where the harmony precure were from before they decided to come to earth.
If there was gonna be a homeland, that would be equestria. I added valley since I didn't want just "Equestria". Plus "city" "land" "realm"... "Valley" sounded the best.

Crystal Empire: A land north of equestria valley that controls the balance of happiness and light. Populated by crystal people.
For the record, the people are not colored like ponies in this book series. So these people, have sparkly skin. For this i imagined the star darlings sparkle. They have a glittery completion.

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