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July 19, Thursday.
Year Unknown.

Years later

It had been four months and Louis and Zayn were back together after a brief split up a few years before.

Everything was crazy and Dramatic.

Especially Harry, Harry was heart broken because he was in love with Louis, so, so in love.

Harry was there for Louis, but Louis wasn't there for him. Harry needed Louis, but Louis wasn't there, he never was.

Harry was on the verge of moving to America, in search for a college and even a good future job.

Louis was sitting beside him, in his t-shirt. Harry didn't like when Louis wore Zayn's things around him.

Harry hated Zayn.

"Do you really have to go?" Louis asks Harry, staring at the laptop screen.

"Yes." Harry answered and Louis frowned at Harry's short answers, He had been doing that all day.

"Haz, what is wrong?" Louis asks, huffing.

"Nothing, go shove your tongue down Zayn's fucking throat." Harry snaps, shutting the laptop off.

"What the hell Harry?" Louis snaps and Harry looks over at the boy.

Zayn made him stop wearing makeup. He told him that it wasn't needed and that Louis looked pretty without it, But Harry just knew that Zayn was embarrassed because of Louis wearing makeup.

Harry doesn't say anything he just leans forward and connects their lips in a hard kiss, Louis gasps and tries to push the older boy off but Harry pushes him down and grips his hips, climbing between his legs.

Louis gives in and lets out a moan, tangling his hands in Harry's hair, closing his eyes and tangling his tongue with the older boys.

Harry pulls away and breathes heavily as Louis stares at him.

"Why did you do that?" Louis asks, lips parted.

"Because I wanted to kiss you from the first time I saw you." Harry says, his breathing slowing.

"No, I meant, Why did you stop?" Louis asks and Harry's pupils blow.

"You liked it?"


"What about Zayn?"

"Shit!" Louis gasps, pushing Harry off of him, "You asshole! I love Zayn! Don't do that, just because I am known as a slut doesn't mean I am one." Louis snaps, getting off of the bed.

"Louis, I didn't do that because I thought you were easy...." Harry mumbles, getting up as Louis starts to put his things in his bag.

"Then why the fuck did you do it?" Louis snaps, looking at Harry now.

"Because I love you okay? Im in love with you! I want you to be mine! I want to hold you! I want to take you out, I want to kiss you, I want to have sex with you! I want you to love me back! I want you!" Harry says, tears falling down his face, "Louis I need you."

Louis stares at Harry, breathing heavily and then after about five minutes of silence Louis breaks it.

"I-I don't know." Louis admits, looking at Harry, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I tried." Harry says softly, "But then you got with Zayn." he starts, "And so I jus tried to get over it, but It's hard because I've never been so inlove before."

Louis sits back down on the bed and listens to Harry, blue eyes set on him. He feels awful. He wishes he would've known. He knows that whichever decision he makes it going to hurt the other. He can't deny he felt something when he was kissing Harry.

"That day we were supposed to meet up/ I did find it. I just was running a little late because I stopped to get you a rose." He says, "I was gonna ask you to be my boyfriend."

Harry continues, "But when I got there you were with Zayn, I was upset. Really upset. But if you were happy then whatever I wanted suddenly didn't matter anymore." Harry says, looking at Louis, "All I want is for you to be happy Louis, and if Zayn is what makes you happy then thats okay."

"I feel like two completely different people when I'm with you and him." Louis says, wiping a tear that left his eye, "I don't know Harry. I don't wanna hurt ethier of you."

"Stop thinking about other people, think about you Louis." He says, talking his best friend's hand in his own, "What do you want?"

"I need to think." Louis says honestly and Harry understands, he can't expect him to just leave Zayn after three years without hesitation.

"Okay, Lou." Harry says "That's fine."

"Thank you."

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