26 . Spirits and Peer Pressure.

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Spirits and Peer Pressure

Ionora's POV:

I was floating. Drifting away from consciousness. I couldn't make sense of where I was. I mean, how could I when I was surrounded by fluffy white clouds? I was literally in the middle of nowhere. Nowhere being the sky. My head was throbbing but at the same time, I felt free. Like a suppressed part of me was finally free.

Oh God. I'm not making any sense anymore.

Wait. Am I dead? Is this heaven or he-

"Neither actually. You're somewhere in between." Chimed in a familiar voice behind me. Looking back, I feel myself go pale and step back. Standing there was me. Or what I would look like if I were a ghost.

"Am I on drugs? Must be some pretty strong stuff, if yes. Oh my God! You have my face! Or wait- do I have yours? This is hurting my head. Do hallucinations even hurt?"
At the rate at which my life is going, I'll have to admit myself to a mental asylum soon. Before I actually meet a unicorn or something.

Ghost-me just laughed. That's right. My life is a fucking comedy now.

"No silly. I am you. Well, a part of you." She told me, like that just explained everything.

I blinked back at her. She sighed.

"You see, each person, or in your case, werewolf has three parts. There's your werewolf or 'lycanthrope' , your human soul or 'psychi' and your heart, or "kardia".
The kardia is the part of you which encapsulates the feelings or emotions of your heart. Everyone is born with each of these parts but once you find your mate, the 'kardia', is freed and comes here to stay until you mate. On mating, your kardia goes to him while his comes to you.
This is quite the literal meaning of giving our hearts to them. And it stays there until a mate breaks the others heart and the kardia break free and come here. That's why mates feel empty after rejection. Cause a part of them is missing."

Holy Guacamole! This was some next level spiritual stuff.

"So you're my 'kardia'...?" I trail off, hoping I got the word right.

"Yup. Since you haven't mated with Zayden yet, I have to stay here and act as your guardian which is very rare since most werewolves mate immediately after meeting." She informs, with a frown.

"So you literally sit here all day, watching and judging me?" I ask incredulously. If my brain was making all of this up, I must say that I have a vast imagination.

"Yeah. " She smiles, clapping her hands cheerfully. How was this girl a part of me? She so....so...happy! Bleugh. "I must say, we have quite the drama filled life."

"Glad at least someone enjoys it." I tell her, rolling my eyes. If a few months ago, someone came up to me and told me that I would be talking to a ghostly figure of me in the clouds, I would have sent them to the nearest psychologist. But now, I have to book an appointment for myself.

"Oh. It's entertaining all right. " Comes in another voice and I turn around and do a double take as I see the ghostly figure of Zayden. This just keeps getting better and better doesn't it? And how on earth does this guy look sexy even as a ghost? This is so unfair.

"Glad you find me sexy, Ionora although I could only imagine how attractive you find my real self." He laughs, showing me that goddamn smile of his. I blush hard. And it's ugly to look at. Stupid egoistic prick.

"What's up with people always reading my mind? Do they not know what personal space means?" I groan, narrowing my eyes at him. Ghost-me just laughs. Yeah yeah. Joke's on you. You're literally laughing at yourself.

"Well, as much as I would like to continue this conversation, we need to go. We were sent here to tell you that the fate of the supernatural world now rests in your hands. So whatever you do, please think twice and even thrice before doing it. One wrong step and your father wins. And once that happens, we're all done for. So please act wisely." She tells me, sadness in her tone. Talk about peer pressure. I felt like ruining for the hills. I mean, who wouldn't, when they had just been told that 7 billion lives rest in their decisions.

"Wait, how does Zayden even remotely relate to this?" Other than the fact that he was my mate. An idiotic one.

"As long as you and well, me, are together everything will fall into place. Just give us a chance okay? I know that the idiot had done done questionable choices but in the end, he is an Alpha and he was just protecting his pack, his family. My point is, just, try to make this work please. If not for you, do it for the other innocent people who don't deserve to die. The fate of this world depends on your union." Ghostly Zayden pleads, looking truly guilty for what his human counterpart had done.

The other me just smiles and stands next to him, holding his hand.

I felt a jolt of happiness surge through me at the sight. It gave me hope that maybe Zayden and I could be like that someday. And can I just say that we look like a mighty fine couple? Okay. He looks mighty fine and I look bleh but hey, it's still a pretty picture.

"What happened back there, with my father? I don't seem to remember anything." I ask, worried. Judging be the smile on their faces, I think everything was okay.

"You took care of that, Nora. And might I say, you look hot when you're enraged. Hot but deadly." Zayden look alike says while Ionora look alike smacks him. She then turns and smiles at me.

"We gotta go now, Ionora. I hope that we don't have to meet again." She says, hinting at the fact that she wouldn't be here after Zayden and I's union.

Wait. Union?

"Are you telling me to have sex with Zayden to save the world?" I scream, mortified.

But they were gone, like the stupid ghosts they were and I was alone in the clouds, looking around like a madman.

Just then, a sudden tiredness overcame me, and I feel asleep in the middle of nowhere. I really really had to stop blanking out in the most random if times. The last thing I heard was a sweet lullaby and a woman whispering, "Sleep, my child."


Soooooo........ how was it? I'm sorry for this but you gotta wait just a bit for the cliffhanger suspense to unravel.

Thoughts on this totally weird chapter?

And please do vote and comment as it gives me the drive to write faster for you guys. Thank you. 


Edited - 14/01/2019

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