Bonus Chapter : Third Person POV ( 5K SPECIAL)

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I'm so happy right now because guess what? This book just got 5000 reads. Like I know that isn't much but to me, its a milestone which I was itching to reach. I'm just so giddy with excitement now lol.

This is a little bonus chapter I wrote just for this occasion.

Thank you everyone who has made it this far, commented and voted. It really really means a lot to me as a writer. This chapter is dedicated to anyone and everyone reading this.

Again, thank you! ❤

Third Person's POV :

Somewhere in the woods, hidden from mortal eyes, she smiled. She had been watching the abandoned house on the outskirts of the Dawnblood pack for some time now, waiting for someone to enter. Someone she loved dearly. And when she finally came into view, the woman let out a soft chuckle. The girl surely knew how to disguise herself.

She looked every part the ruthless rogue guard but if you really looked, you could see the uncertainty in her step and the fear in her eyes, which were currently hidden under a cap.
The woman felt her heart clench. She did not want this for Ionora. She wanted her to live a normal life, well, as normal as a werewolf's life would be. But sadly, Ionora's fate was set, and this saddened her.
Someone so young and innocent did not deserve the path fate had set up for her. It was like a black cloud of destruction and despair waiting to burst on her, and no one could stop it, no one but Ionora herself.

And she would, the woman thought with a fierce glint in her eyes. Ionora Zendale was stubborn, loyal, kind and brave. How else did she survive by her own in the ruthless forests brimming with dark corners? She was a fighter and a survivor. But she was also the epitome of innocence with not a pinch of evil intent in her. Maybe not in her words or actions, cause Luna knew that she had a sharp tongue, but in her heart, she was as pure as a new born child. The thing that worried her was if Ionora would make it out of the war with the same heart.

The war against the dark.
Because no matter how untainted you were, the darkness was such that it could darken even the purest of souls, and such a soul was her little Ionora.

Still hidden, she watched as the house and its surroundings lit up in a sudden burst of light. The ground shook, the trees around her swayed violently and people were thrown to the ground. But the woman stood upright with unlingering grace and watched the forest return back to its previous state, as if nothing happened.

Then she smiled ruefully, the war had officially begun.

And she could do nothing but watch and wait for fate to run its course, and hope, that the young woman, her very own creation, would make it out of this cruel battle unbroken.

As she prepared to leave, she decided to give a parting gift to her.

"I promise to protect you and stay by your side, always."

With that, she was gone in an array of sparking lights, leaving no trace of her presence, her words lingering like echoes in the silence of the forest.


Don't forget to take your thank you gifts with you. ;)

Here you go-

Here you go-

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And finally

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And finally......


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Edited - 14/01/2019

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