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Hey peeps.

If any of you are still reading this book, I seriously love you. I'll even tell each one of you that if you comment here. That's how shocked I'll be that you still stuck with this book even after I have abandoned it for so long.

The past few months haven't been the best. The past year hasn't been the best. And this book was he only thing I looked forward to. I had lost hope in everything else and left the things I loved, one by one. Writing was the only thing keeping me grounded. Apart from the usual writers block, I always wrote away my feelings but lately, I've been unable to do that. And it's really frustrating cause I have this itch to write. To write at least a few words. But everytime I try to, I end up blank and sometimes, unsatisfied with what I've written.

This is the longest I've gone without updating and I'm feeling horrible about it because this book is like my baby. And right now, I'm not caring for it enough.

Today, I finally wrote something which I was proud of, after weeks and baskets of crumpled paper. And I'll be trying my best to get back on schedule and finish this book by July/August after which I'm starting my new book which is now on hold.

Now that that's out of the way, I'll be updating the next chapter before Tuesday.

For all of you who have voted, commented, or even just clicked on my story, I just want to give you a huge virtual hug and a big thank you. Even for the future readers. Thank you for believing in me and my story. It really means a lot to me.

I adore you all.

Until next chapter. Adios.

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