Mystery Babies

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"Its....... The Volturi" Everyone sucked in a shocked gasp. No no they couldn't come. Not now, they would kill my babies.  "Victoria some how found out and sent word to them." Alice weeped and pulled johnathen out his high chair and hugged him closely, not caring if he spat food down her shirt.

"When wll they come?"Carlisle asked, his voice shaking slightly.

"In two weeks. Aro, Caius, Marcus, Jane, Alec, Felix and some other guard. I can't see the out come because theres lots to decide." Alice whispered. I picked up willam from his hgh chair and held him close but  I continued to feed him. Rosalie did the same with henry. I couldn't lose my babies now, i loved them more than my own life, but to see them killed. That would be enough to anger any mother into revenge. i started to sob quietly, I felt Carlisle's arms wrap around my shouders, Carlie in the crook of his arm.

"What are we going to do?" i whispered. 

" I don't know, sweet heart, But were not going to sit here and wait"


Bella's POV

I pulled into the drive way of my house. In the past six months lots had changed. After the first few months every think was smooth, The babies were so adoreable, except when they solided their nappies, that was tourcher with our now hightened sences. Gossip flew around town that they were living wth Angela, and Charlie soon showed up. Then of cource i ran again. I wasn't angry and him any more, but i didn't want to take to him again. I bought a house on the outskirts of Port Angeles; just like the culllen house it was big. It had three floors (Including the basement). The first floor was the kitchen, Living room and diner. The second floor held Mine, Ej, Renesmee's and two guest rooms, one of whitch Angela uses when she comes over to help look after the twins.

Of course the twins slept in the same cot at first but then they started to kick each other so i had to move them into seperate cots but next to each other. They weren't ready to be put into diffrent rooms at the moment. After a couple more months, i had got a text message that we would both devolop a gift. Of cource we both freaked out. Angela's gift was simpley awesome; she could minipulate the four Elements. that was cool but she sometimes couldn't control it if she loses her temper, but since she was usurly carm and worked how to controll it but hasn't mastered it. My gift so far, i could create a shield; any type of sheild but i had trouble trying to create a sheild that stopped physical attack. Angela help test but she still walked though it. If i did it for hours a headache would deveope, that was my human side. i parked the car and got out, just to see Angla came running out the house.

"Bella guess what?"

"Ohh wait let me think." I held my finger up. "The world was about to end but it was prosponed by rain"

"No no, look i'll show you" She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into living room. Ej was sitting on the floor, with a saucepan upside down in front of him and a wooden spoon in his hand, and was banging loudly on it. Renesmee was lying on her stomach; watching him but had an toy in her hand. i laughed, drawng their attention to me. Renesmee smiled and rolled over. Ej let go of the spoon and started to crawl towards me. I awwed and picked him. he kicked his arms and legs our exitedly and accidenly grabbed a fist full of my hair. Renesmee decided it was her turn to make her self presant and let out a whine. Angela instanly picked her up and walked over to me and put her in my arms. They both cood joyfully. i sighed and ran to my room, there i had a rocking chair in front of the window.

The window had a beautiful view of the forest and sky, countless time i held the twins here and they both loved looking out the window at the starts. i sank into the chair and rocked slowly; it was their nap time before i would take them out around the town. It was just past lunch time, but i didn't feel hungry. We still ate food but we usurly ate quite rare meat, or somthing simuler. Food just didn't appeal to me as it did when i was a full human. I hummed my lulliby that Edward had written for me, It was a sound i couldn't forget. Unlike full vampires out full human memorys didn't fade, our memorys were probily just like a full vampire.

Slowly Ej and Renesmee's breathing slowled down as they fell into a slumber. I didn't put them back yet but i would soon. I gazed out the window. A sudden flash of red streaked across the woods, away from the house. Colour drained from my face, my breath caught in my throat. No oh please no. i bit my lip. My breath speed up.

"Angela" I whispered, tears flowed into my eyes. How could she be here. how could she have found me.

"Bella what is it" Angela gasped. i couldn't tear my eyes away from the woods.

"It's her. She's found me. Victorias fround me"

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