Mystery Babies

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They all looked at me.  I didn't know how to start. julia saw this and talked frist.
"Bella this is my son; Jason, my husband; Bill, My daughers; Stella and Louise, Sometimes i get them mixed up" I looked at them intrestedly. Jason was tall, musculer, he had the same redish hair but Bright blue eyes. Bill had the same build as him and eye but his hair was a light brown. Stella and Louise were twins, and looked exactly the same. I would there would have been two of the same girl if i she didn't say.

"Okay i'll start with names first. Im Bella, this is my Best friend Angela. Therse are my babies; Ej and Renesmee. Unusual name I know. I fell pregnant with the twins fifteen months ago, the guy who got me pregnant broke up with me, he doesn't know. After I found out I was pregnant; me and my dad weren't on the best of terms so I stayed with my best friend, even after the twins were born, I stayed with her and her family till my dad found out where I was so I packed and bought a house and moved in. Stayed there for a couple of months till something chases us out" I didn't want to include a crazy redhead psychopath out for my blood.... Or the fact that we needed to keep moving. I just had the urge to go to England. It just felt right. " I remember going into my car and driving off but I don't remember what happened. Oh by the way were are we?" i said and looked at bill. 

"Errr. Santa barbara" I looked at him in surprie. We had gone far. 

"Really" Angela asked surprised. They nodded. We continued to talk for about and hour, they started to drift away to their rooms. I started to grow inpatient and restless. Angela noticed. "Bella what is it" She asked, swapping Ej for Renesmee. She like to swap and chage so they both got the equal amout of time together.

 "We need to keep moving. I don't know why but i keep having the erge to go. We may be from from Victoria now but that does't stop her.  know she won't gve up" I whispered to her, too low for a human to hear. She looked at me for a moment then nodded. i guess we needed to build a plan up first. 


"So whats your plan Bella. When will you leave? Bill has already filled up your car with gas" Julia said that evening. It was now dinner time and the table was a little crowed with seven people and two babies, both of which were sitting on our laps since we didn't pack a high chair. I put my fork down and shifted Renesmee on my lap.  i shot a glance at Angela  then turned to Julia.

"Yes we had the plan that we were going to England" Jason and Bill nearly choked on their drinks.

"England. Why England. Thats days away" Julia said surprised.  I bit my lip.

" I know.  just think we need to start a fresh in a diffrent country. you know. but we have to go soon. Tomorrow perhapes" Bill droped his fork. i cringed slightly.

"Tomorrow? You need to recover, the doctor said." 

" I know" I looked at my plate. Julia sighed and put down her cutulary.

" I think your right" everyone looked at her. "it looks like you do too" I nodded greatfully. I ywned involentry. "Looks like you need a good nights rest to me. Here let me help" Julia said and took Renesmee out of my hads as i got up. Renesmee gurgled and grabed some of her red hair. She giggled and let go after i gently tried to tug her hand away. "Good night dear, wake me up if you need any thing" She said kindly as i walked up towards my room.

"Ok thanks" I gently put Renesmee into her make shift crib and settled into bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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