Mystery Babies

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I started to tap my foot impatintly, the car was supost to be here by now. We sat outside on a wall, waiting for my frarri to be delivered. We had gone out shopping but we didn't buy much. I got some food for us and the twins, a few more toys for the twins and a new bag for my self. Angela got some water, a warm blancket for the twins and a sketchpad and pencils. Finally the pick up truck came into view. I shot up and walked to where it parked. A man and a teenager in overalls steped out the truck

"Sorry we were late ma'am. but there was a traffic jam a few streets away." Said the driver and he and the teenager helped put my frarri onto the road. I paided them and loaded up the car while Angela loaded up the tins in tha back. I looked at the front of the car. It looked okay. But there was slight dent where we hit the rails on the way into the water. I looked around. There was no one arouns to see this, I put my finger around the dent and pushed it out. Making it smooth and presentable. Angela laughed.

"Nice" She got in the passenger side and pulled out her skechpad and started to draw.

" I know. No one will ever know about it" I sighed happily and jumped into the drivers seat. There was still a faint smell of the sea. "But they will know about the smell though. Maybe we can pass it off as having fish and chip but dropped the water and salt on the floor." Angela shook her head. 

"Wouldn't they smell that too?"

"Darn" Was my only answer. I looked around out side. To find the right direction the 'pull' was going in. I felt it, going north. Instantly i put the car in drive and set off. Angela turned on the CD player and started to choose ome music. "Hey can you put Suvivor by Beyonce. I like that song" She nodded and fliped a few tracks to the song.

"Hey look at the twins." I turned to the back to see Ej grining, doing a slight jig to the music, Renesmee was just looking at him mouth hanging open. I quilckly looked back to the road. i didn't want an accident. Since the road had less cars on i push my foot down on the gas.


I yawned. We had been driving for a four hours, Only stopping for a nappy change for the twins, a fill up on gas and to get some food.

"Do you want me to drive?" Angela asked, seeing me yawn. I nodded and stopped the car. As Agela got i i slid across to the passenger side and looked at the twins. They had fallen fast asleep not, their little faces full of peace.

"Awww" I couldn't help say as they rolled over in their sleep. Angela laughed and set off. I stayed watching the twins, it was very comforting. "Turn left then we reach the woods" I would shout out directions now and again. I looked around, In fact we had gone past lots of towns and villages but now we were in the woods. I couldn't help think that we were almost there.


We pulled up into a drive. I felt suddenly nervious. I knew this was a Cullen house because of the size and decoation, even it looked old as well. i knew we were in the right place. I got out the car, Angela next to me. I would leave the twins in the car first then we would take them out later. I took a deep breath and ran to the door at vampire speed. Knock knock knock knock. The sound bibrated around the silent woods. Finally the door opened. It was Esme. She looked shocked as soon as she saw me.



Ha a cliffy. Ok i need suggestions. i though was i was going to do but i forgot, i need ideas on what to do next. The more suggestion the faster the chaper will be. Plz comment, vote, fan

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