Chapter 54

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I suck... I'm sorry it's been a while, I've missed all your sexy faces!! :P You guys waited so long for this update... I promise I'll update again tomorrow!! If I don't, you can all kill me!! :P 

This chapter is for TSFAN013 thanks for your comment!!!!! ;)

Thanks for every follow! It means so much to me!! :D

Stay Strong everyone, and read on!! xxxxxx -N


Chapter 54

P.O.V Sarah 

I tightened my grip on Olivia’s phone I as started at the illuminated screen. That was it. My eyes scanned the words one last time, making sure that the message was clear.

-“What are you doing with my phone!”, an angry voice asked, scaring me to death. My hand flew up to my heart as I gasp.

-“Gosh Olivia! You scared the crap out of me!”, I replied standing up. 

-“Answer the damn question Sarah!”, she said snatching the phone out of my hands. 

-“I was sending a text to Demi”, I sighed crossing my arms over my arms. A look of fear appeared in her green orbs as she quickly unlocked her phone to look at what I had done. She read it quickly before looking up at me even more horrified.

-“How could you do this Sarah!”, she exclaimed totally freaking out. 

-“What? I just wanted to help”, I frowned confused as why she was reacting like that.

-“Are you fucking crazy! If Demi ever find out that I didn’t write it she’s gonna be beyond pissed”, Olivia exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air.

-“Olivia, Demi won’t find out ok! Nobody’s gonna tell her! Calm down!”, I pleaded. She groaned loudly holding her head in her hands.

-“I hate you for doing this!”, she sighed letting herself fall on the couch. I sat next to her, squeezing her knee.

-“She won’t find out Olivia!”, I repeated.

-“She better not or I’m done with you Sarah”, she said pushing my hand away from her knee. I bit my bottom lip hard as her words sunk in. She would be done with me. 

P.O.V Demi

A shiver ran through my body as I pulled the blanket over my shoulder. I had stayed in bed all day. I wasn’t doing any better than the day before, everything I had felt yesterday was even worst. To add to my discomfort, the conversation I had with Olivia kept sneaking back in my mind even though I was trying to forget about it. I wanted to be in her arms, safe. Letting out a cough, I grabbed my phone, we needed to make things right. I typed in my passcode and a text message popped on my screen. It was Olivia.


Olivia: Demi, you know that I’m sorry and I didn’t mean one word of what I said earlier. I love you and you’re the most important person in my life. What Dylan said really frustrated me but I had no right to take my anger out on you. I should’ve treated you with all the respect you deserve. I do care about you, so much Demi, even more than my own life.I can’t even bear the thought of you hurting yourself and even more you dying. You’re the air I need to breathe and you’re the reason why my heart is so happy. Waking up every morning knowing that you’re my girlfriend gives me butterflies in the stomach and brings a smile to my face. You make me happy and I’m sorry that today I couldn’t make you happy and ruined your day. Please Demi, forgive me. I love you to death.

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