Ch.13 Epilogue

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"Stay still Prue. I'm almost finished." Prue and Lily are in Prue's room where Lily is stitching up her predecessor's wounds.

"You're pretty good at this for a Super-witch active for only a year."

"Being the last Super-witch made the Elders a bit more strict with their training. Apparently not strict enough since I died...again," Lily sighs.

"You tend to take death in stride after coming back to life twice," Prue responds; thinking back to how she nearly fell to her death in the future timeline.

"These cuts are pretty nasty. Are they all because of those vulture demons?" Lily asks.

"Some are from the vultures. Others are from Ava. Some even came from Wyatt. Don't think it's ever taken this long for me to heal from a fight. But that's why Leo isn't allowed to heal me."

"Annddd, there. Finished," Lily says and Prue gets off her stomach and sits up on her bed. "So what's next?"

"We have to find a way to stop Lucifer. How, though, is the million dollar question."

"Dean might be able to think of something given how his brother is Lucifer's vessel and all."

"I wouldn't know where to start looking from him in this time...truth be told I don't even know if he survived. I heard his voice calling out to me, but just disappeared. Ava seems to be the only person that knows what happened, but she's lying dead at the bottom of the least I hope she didn't make it."

"Even if she didn't she'll just come back. She has that fallen angel on her shoulder after do you deal with this life, Prue? Having all this power and knowing that there are still things infinitely stronger than you out there?"

"There are times when I fell like I can't handle it to be honest. My sisters and I've always stopped them; always won. Yet there's always something else out there. A threat more powerful than the last. We can save the world ten times over, but it never stays safe for long. But if we don't keep this world safe, who will? The boys?" Prue quips and the two Super-witches have a laugh.

"Quite the grim future we're facing," Billie says rubbing her eyes. "Can't imagine not being able to see."

"I still can't believe our son did it with Cole," Piper groans. "Ok, he didn't have my soul so it wasn't him, but it was still his body..."

"I can't believe Wyatt brought Cole back." Phoebe interrupts. "Not something I'd like to face again."

"So what do we do now?" Christy asks.

"What we always do," Prue answers entering the living room. "We stop it."

"But how, Prue? Not exactly your run of the mill demon." Leo asks.

"Neither was The Source, The Titans, The Avatars, Zankou, or The Triad and we stopped them," Paige reminds him.

"Well Ms. Optimistic. You got any theories?" Prue asks as an upbeat musical score starts from nowhere.

"I've got a theory, that we're all doooomeed. Well that's not so much a theory, as my belief, because you've seen the future, and I'll shut up now." Billie says.

"I've got a theory, this athame is the answer. I feel such great power radiating from inside." Phoebe says.

They all look towards the B.O.S.

Somewhere else in the U.S.A

"...Why would Dean want us to meet him here?" Jo asks observing a typical American home.

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