Ch.4 Yellow Eyes

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The rest of the night had been uneventful. Prue explained to a thoroughly amazed Billie about how an angel, Gabriel no less, had plucked her from 2009 and dropped her here for some reason other than finding out what happens to the world. After words she took a long overdue sleep. She and Wyatt shared a cabin with Billie and Pamela that night. Becky offered her cabin, but Prue declined. Prue thought Becky was a good person, but her slightly over eager personality made Prue try to avoid her if she could. Cole wasn't exactly keen on staying at a camp with people that would kill him if they wished and opted to find someplace else to crash.

Nobody tried to stop him since he wouldn't change his mind anyway. Prue slept through the night and would've slept longer had in not been for the bright light of the sun shining through the window. Prue gave out a long yawn and saw no sign of Billie or Pamela. After her vision adjusted a bit she saw Wyatt in one of the farther corners of the room; away from the light of the sun.

"Morning Aunt Prue," he said rubbing her neck some.

"Morning Wyatt. How are you feeling?"

"Ok, I guess," he said still rubbing her neck.

"You're not ok, Wyatt. I can plainly see that," Prue said walking over to her nephew. Prue walked over to Wyatt and placed her hand over what Wyatt was covering. Wyatt closed his eyes and shared a vision with Prue.

"You're too late, Cole," Amethyst said pumping Wyatt with the Croatian virus. "The mini Charmed One has little more than 24 hours before he changes forever. But then again forever won't last long where he's concerned," Amethyst laughed and shoved Wyatt into Cole's arms. "So long suckers," she said and vacated the factory. Wyatt looked up at Cole; his eyes full of fear. Body shaking uncontrollably.

"Cole," he whispered. "I... I don't want to die," he said trying not to cry. Prue, his mom or his other aunts wouldn't cry in the face of death. Then again he's not them, but he still held back the tears.

"I can save you, but I don't know if you'll like my solution," Cole said.

"What is it? Just tell me what I have to do," Wyatt requested of him.

"I'll have to get a vampire to turn you," he answered simply. "They'll have to drain you of a lot of your blood in order to get rid of the virus, but unless the vampire changes you, you'll bleed out and die."

Wyatt's look of fright intensified, but he took off his jacket and exposed his neck. "Do it, call one here."

Cole nodded. He closed his eyes and summoned up a vampire. A woman appeared in the factory. "Where am I? Who summoned me?" She turned and saw Cole and Wyatt.

"Hmm..Belthazor, long time no see. What do you want?" The woman said, walking up to Cole and running her long, sharp nail along Cole's face.

"Drusilla, I need you to turn Wyatt into a vampire. He's been infected with Croatian virus."

"And why would I want to save him..?" 

"Let's not owe me for saving your second life; three times I might add." Cole said, evilly.

"You haven't changed a bit, have you Belthazor?" Drusilla said. 

"Oh but I have, I am no longer the demonic soldier of fortune. I gave up being evil..many years ago."

Drusilla's eyes widened a bit and she frowned. "Such potential. Gone. That's too bad." She said, solemnly.

"Indeed, it is." Cole said, agreeing with the vampire. "Now save him."

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