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Helen sat in a chair, with her hands on her knees. Aside from a bruise from the rough tackle downstairs, and the soreness in her shoulder, she was unharmed. The room was on the top floor of the Lester Sunshine Inn. She was not restrained. There was a bed, and an antique side table with the remains of her recently finished lunch. The cream-colored walls were bare. The wooden floor, also bare, had a sheen of varnish which shone in the afternoon light. A woman entered by the only door and stood across from her. Her eyes were focused out the window.

"I am Reyleena. We apologize for the abrupt nature of your removal from your interaction with Marto. If you don't mind, we want to ask you some questions. We hope you will be open and honest with us. Initial questions will determine your openness and honesty. Later inquiries will involve knowledge you may or may not have to show us."

"And what happens if you determine I am not being honest?" asked Helen, shuddering.

"Then this will take much longer and may involve new augmentations to your neural physiology." Reyleena turned. She was a young, beautiful woman in her late twenties or early thirties with straight red hair and bright blue eyes. Her gaze was fixed far behind Helen, beyond the walls of this room. "Understand we do not currently consider you a physical threat to our community, but there is a strong likelihood you have arrived carrying information which may be related to a potential attack on this and other tribes. We brought you here to keep that information from revealing itself prematurely."

"Who is we?" Helen was unnerved by the woman's far off stare. She began to get the idea her eyes were sightless or watching for changes in data, or both.

"This is worthy of clarification. In this case, 'we' does not signify the entirety of the tribe, only myself and one other. Our conversation is private here. None but us three are part of it. This is how it must be, and I cannot tell you all the reasons why. Only that it is a matter of gravest security."

"Will I meet this – other?" Helen had an uneasy feeling about the unseen participant.

"No, however, the other is with me. You may talk to us both. Now, are you ready to begin?"

"Yes," Helen said, straightening in her chair.

"First, you said you came from Livings-town in The Jersey. Is this correct?"


"Did your trip originate from there?"


"Where did you start your journey?"

"Pittsburgh," Helen said. She didn't want to find out what the longer option was for her inquisition. She glanced at the only door. She knew it was unlocked and that leaving was not an option.

"And your name. Is it really Helen?"

"Helen isn't my given name. It's the name I chose for myself."

"Will you tell us your given name?" Reyleena stood perfectly still, staring through her.

"If I tell you, will you promise to hear me out? I want to tell you why I am here. I want you to trust me. I also want to trust you. I came here to find Marto."

"We are interested only in the safety of our tribe and all of the tribes," Reyleena returned. "You can trust we will do what is necessary to protect our way of life here. We will not harm you, if you don't pose a threat to us. We are not unnecessarily violent."

Helen rubbed her shoulder. Right, she thought. She wondered if Reyleena could hear her think, even if she didn't try to thext. The woman was spooky. "I was born Estelle Reynolds. My mother is Gladys Reynolds of the Pittsburgh Estates. My grandmother's name was Helen. I have taken her name in honor of her wisdom and perspective. I am an outcast from my family. A year ago, I became involved with a tribe outside of Pittsburgh..."

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