Chapter 11- Visitors

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A loud booming knock echoed through the house.

You, Sans and Temmie stayed silent.

The knock was heard again. And again.

Sans mumbled something inaudible then got up and walked over to the door of the room. He whispered to Temmie through the keyhole. "I should answer that. Let us out Idi-Temmie."

Temmie whispered back ever so quietly. "But-" "BANG BANG BANG!!!" Temmie was interrupted by the knocks again. They were louder than before.

"Just let us out. Quick." Sans urged. Temmie thought for a moment. Then spoke, "Okay. But as long as you promise to cuddle with Y/N for 150 seconds afterwards. Deal?"

Sans inhaled sharply, then whispered back, "Okay. Deal. Now unlock the door already!"

You heard a click and the door to the room opened, revealing a grinning Temmie. Sans ushered you out of the room rather quickly and shut the door.

"Sans!" You whisper shouted. No answer.

Another series of knocks came, harsher this time, accompanied by some yelling. There seemed to be three voices, two seemingly female, and a male's voice that was strangely familiar. You couldn't make out their words that well.

Before you could whisper shout at Sans again, the door opened and Sans walked out, wearing his normal armour.

"Grab Temmie, and stay behind me, but not too close." Sans whispered and quickly walked off as more knocking and shouting was heard. The familiar sound of Sans' boots echoed down the hallway as he walked.

You scooped up Temmie and placed him in your hoodie, his head popped out a bit. You catch up to Sans as he reached the front doors.

You could hear the shouting more audible from here. "SANS!!! OPEN THIS DOOR NOW OR IM BREAKING IT DOWN!!" One of the female voices angrily shouted.

Sans eyes went wide, you didn't know if it was from fear or recognition. Then, he did something that blew your mind,

Sans summoned a giant red bone in his hand and held it like a weapon at his side. Then he answered the door.

As soon as he unlocked it, the three monsters outside burst in. One, you recognized very well, for it was Papyrus.

The other two, however, you had never seen them before.

One was a tall, blue fish like creature wearing a science lab coat. She had red hair, which was done up in a bun. Her yellow eyes glinted behind her glasses. She was smiling an oddly creepy smile, showing her razor sharp teeth. But the scariest thing was that her coat was stained with blood.

The other monster was a short, buff yellow dinosaur like creature wearing a type of armour. Her blood red eyes seemed to pierce through whatever she was looking at. Her sharp teeth were covered in blood stains, as well as her armour.

Both female monsters brandished weapons also stained in blood.

Papyrus looked like a weakling compared to the other two monsters standing beside him.

"SANS!! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!!!" The yellow dinosaur roared at the skeleton, her tail swishing behind her angrily.

"I was simply busy,  Alphys." Sans said calmly to the dinosaur, who you assumed was Alphys. He walked over to the trio and beckoned them inside.

The four monsters walked behind Sans into a room that you had cleaned previously, full of couches and comfy chairs, that were all the colour of blood.

You quickly shut the door the followed them into the other room, where everyone was already seated.

"So Sans... We heard all about the whole slave incident the other day. We heard rumours, but we weren't sure. Then, your brother comes right to my lab in the hotlands to tell us about it. Care to elaborate on how you lost a hundred or so slaves?" The fish monster asked.

"Well Undyne...." Sans began.

As Sans told Alphys and Undyne the whole story, which they did not seem very impressed with, Papyrus beckoned you from the doorway to sit on the couch with him and Sans. The couch was very roomy.

You noticed that Sans, Undyne and Alphys had laid their weapons beside them, and that Papyrus also had a weapon similar to his brother's by his feet. It was gleaming white.

"So, are you telling me, that YOUR SLAVE IS YOUR MASTER NOW?!?!?!!!" Alphys shrieked.

Sans sighed. "Pretty much." Which earned him glares from the female monsters.

Undyne turned to you, while Alphys kept glaring at Sans, and they began to argue. "I think what you've done is incredible." Undyne said in a silky voice. "It's too bad you didn't shed any blood."

You stayed silent, unsure of what to say. Undyne continued.

"It's too bad we had to send that Chara human to the royal guard. They weren't afraid to draw blood if they had to. But I can see what I can do..."

Undyne reached out a blood stained, gloved hand and brushed it against the side of your face while smiling a mischievous grin.

You weren't sure what to do. You secretly let Temmie out from your sweater and let him run and hide somewhere safe, just in case something bad happened.

Now you were stuck in a room with arguing skeleton brothers, an angry, arguing dinosaur and a creepy fish scientist that was examining you.

You now wished that you and Sans were still locked in the room together, being forced to cuddle.

Undyne took her other hand and brushed it in different areas of your face. She chuckled. "You'll be a fun little experiment."

HEYO!!! That's it for today's update. I've seen a lot of dispute on whether or not Temmie is a boy or a girl. You can imagine Temmie to be whatever gender you want. Even a Potato. SEE YUH NEXT WEEK!!!

(Word Count: 968 words)

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