Matter Of Family

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It all started in Haly's Circus, where Dick and his family were eating dinner,"I think it's time for practice'' said Dick. "Have you ate everything on your plate Dick" asked Dick's mom, Mary Grayson, then Dick shoved everything in his mouth. "Alright we'll go practice" said Dick's dad, John Grayson. Dick ran out of the trailer and ran towards the tent. "Dick wait for us" said Mary. Inside the tent Dick ran into a man (Tony Zucco), Dick's parents went inside the tent also, "Can i help you?" asked John."Yes, indeed you can help us, i think you need our protection." said Tony."I don't understand why we would need your protection" said John."Well, if you don't accept our protection your going to have to deal with a juggler, lion tamer and a strongman. The juggler was about to throw something when dick jumped in front of him and said "Stop". "You've got a strong kid here john, my brothers mean the world to me, i don't know what i would do if something happened to them" Tony said as he was squishing Dick's shoulder, John punched tony and also punched his other brothers but one of Tony's brother knocked out Dick's dad. "So, your sure you don't want our protection ?" Tony asked. "I don't think so." said dick, " I called the police 5 minutes ago" "And guess who answered that call" said batman. Tony turned around and got hit by batgirl, she punch him hard that he fell, batman and batgirl continued to knocked out tony and his brothers. "Let's go" one of the brother's said. "Looks like our family's been divided we should return the favor." said tony. The Grayson family did a group hug, Dick turned around and saw batman and batgirl were smiling at them. Batman turned to face batgirl, but batgirl was still staring at them lost in thought. "Batgirl,Batgirl " batman said, "Huh, oh yeah sorry, i guess i was just lost in thought." batgirl said. "Let's go" batman said.

Later at the show

"Ladies and gentleman i present you the fearless flying Grayson's and always doing their tricks without the safety of a net. " said Haly. While Mary and john were going towards dick the bars snapped and they fell until they hit the ground. "No" said dick. Bruce and Barbara went outside to change into their costumes since they were inside the circus. Tony was about to get away when batgirl jump in front of him. "Going somewhere?" said batgirl. "Actually yes" tony said as he kicked batgirl hard and her head hit the wall. " is that the best you can he kid come on get up." batgirl didn't move. "Come 'on kid get up." "kid?" "he turned batgirl around and saw that batgirl was bleeding on the ground......

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