Chapter 2

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I kept hearing Tony saying kid over and over again, I tried to get up, but I couldn't, I turned around and saw blood on the ground, I touched my head and I saw that my head was bleeding. I realized that Tony had ran away, that coward. I got up and tried to walk, but I felt like fainting. A few minutes later I realized that I reached Wayne major, I knocked on the door and Alfred opened the door and then I passed out.


I woke up and I realized that it was morning already and that I didn't have my costume on and that I was in a bed and that my head wasn't bleeding or hurting anymore. I went down stairs and I saw a boy sitting on the couch. "Barbara this is Dick, Dick this is Barbara." Bruce said. Me and Dick were just staring at each other. I know I know him from some where but I just don't know were I thought. And then it hit me, he was the boy who's parents died yesterday. I noticed I was staring at him too long, I looked away.

Barbara was typing on the computer, but she wasn't wearing her mask.
"Tough night huh?" Barbara said to batman. " I couldn't find Zucco." Batman said as he took off his mask
" Well, I don't know if this will help but i found this toothpick at the circus the other day, i've been analyzing the toothpick and I believe that this toothpick is found in Garrett's Family Restaurant and The Ice Pick Club." Barbara said. Alfred and Bruce were looking at Barbara like she was crazy
"What!?, I'm the world's greatest detective's sidekick." Barbara said.
Alfred and Bruce chuckled at Barbara's statement. "C'mon" Bruce said as he put his mask back on, Barbara also put her mask back on and went inside the bat-mobile. " And do please but careful "Mistress Barbara and Master Bruce." Alfred said. "Don't worry Alfred we always are." Barbara said.

After they came back from mission,
"Ok that was one hardest mission that I've ever been on." Said batgirl as she took off her mask. " Well you better get some rest said batman as he took off his mask, you've got school tomorrow."
"Right, first day school, lucky me." Said Barbara.
The next day
Barbara headed downstairs. "Good morning mistress Barbara." Said Alfred. "Good morning Alfred, where's Bruce." Said Barbara. "He left early, about 1 hour ago, are you ok mistress Barbara?" "Yeah, I guess." Said Barbara.
A while later
Alfred drops Barbara off at school.
First day of school, I can't be that bad, right? Thought Barbara as she entered the classroom and sat in a seat.
Mandy stands in front of Barbara.
Barbara sighs and moves to another seat. Pamela taps on Barbara's shoulder, Barbara turns around,
"Why did you do that?"Asked Pamela.
"I didn't want to make such a big drama of a seat." "Well aren't you smart." Said Pamela. "Thanks..." said Barbara. "Pamela" said Pamela. "Barbara" said Barbara. "Do you want to be friends?" Asked Pamela. "Sure." Said Barbara. "I was wondering who was that girl? (Mandy)" said Pamela.
"Who Mandy?" Said Barbara.
"Yeah" said Pamela.
"You really don't know who she is?" Asked Barbara surprised.
"Sorry, I'm really a clueless person." Said Pamela. "Don't worry, I'm also a clueless person." Said Barbara.
Pamela and Barbara both laugh.
"Anyway, she's the principle's daughter." Said Barbara.
"Well I don't know about you but I feel like she going a real pain to us." Said Pamela. "Trust me, you have no idea." Said Barbara.
Then the teacher came in.
"Good morning everyone, I hope you had a good summer, we have a new student today. "You May come in." Said Mrs. Olsen. Dick walks into the classroom. "Hi, I'm Dick Grayson." Said Dick.
"Barbara, your blushing like crazy." Said Pamela.
Dick goes to his seat and smiles at Barbara.
Later that day during recess
"He smiled at me." Said Barbara.
"You like him." Said Pamela
Barbara blushed, she looked at her phone, a bat-wave picture was on her phone. "Sorry, but I have to go." Said Barbara. Barbara changed into batgirl and went to the bat-cave.
Once she got there, she saw a boy in a suit (Robin).
"I'll explain later, right know me need to capture Bane.
"Right!" Batgirl and Robin said at the same time, they both blushed.
After a while the arrived to the bank the bane was robbing.
"Let me guess Bane, ATM ate your card?" Said Batgirl.
Bane starts to attack batgirl, but to doughs to attack and breaks to tube that makes Bane strong.
Woah, she's strong, smart, nice and helps other people,Robin blushes.
Moments later the police came to take Bane back to Arkham Asylum.
"I'm going away for a little while, so you two are going to look after Gotham for a while, do you think you guys can Handel it?" Asked Batman. "Yeah!" Robin and Batgirl said at the same time. "Well, welcome to the team." Said batgirl. "Thanks" said Robin. Batgirl Smiled and Robin blushed.

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