Chapter 5

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Sometimes I wish...

"Hey Barbara" said Andy. "Hey Andy" said Barbara. "C'mon Babs, you know that's not the real name Andy is just a nickname, you can call me Andrew." "Ok, Andrew" said Barbara. They both laughed.

"So, how come you look so...down?" asked Andrew. "Well the gala is today and gala's aren't really my thing..." said Barbara.

"Funny gala's aren't my thing ether" said Andy. "That's good to know..." said Barbara. "Anyway see ya." said Andrew.

Later at the Gala

Bruce was greeting and talking to the guests. "Good evening Mr and Mrs Wilson" greeted Bruce. "Good evening to you too Bruce and I would like you to meet my daughter   Hannah" said Mr. Wilson. "Nice to meet you Hannah, I would like you to meet Barbara." said Bruce.

"Nice too meet you Hannah." Said Barbara. "Same" said Hannah. "Barbara could you give Hannah a tour of the mansion?" asked Bruce.
"Of course, follow me." said Barbara. 

"So this is a painting that... where did she go" said Barbara. I wonder where she went... oh no if i don't find her soon Bruce is gonna kill me thought Barbara.

Then Barbara noticed that Hannah was talking to Dick. Woah when did Dick get here, I didn't see him thought Barbara who was blushing.

Wait a second is Hannah flirting with him, who am I kidding, what was I thinking that someone as cool and awesome as Dick could ever notice a person as me thought Barbara.

Then she noticed the Bat-Signal.

"Hey bats" said Scorn. "Hey..." said Batgirl. "Have you been crying?" asked Scorn. "Does it matter? It's not like anyone would care." said Batgirl. "Hey! Don't you dare say that again... I care." said Scorn.

Scorn and Batgirl are looking at each other and lean in...

I wish that I could tell you how I really feel ....

Dick heard the school bell ring and started walking outside when he noticed Andrew talking to Barbara.

I wonder what their talking about thought Dick as he walked towards them.

When Dick headed towards them, Andrew said goodbye the Barbara and started walking home.

Then he heard Barbara say," Finally, school is over." And Dick said ''I know right, it's been a long day."

After Dick said that, Barbara freaked out.

Dick wondered why Barbara froze in shock all of a sudden.

Alfred arrives in a limo to pick up Dick. ''I have to go, see you tomorrow, I guess" said Dick to Barbara.

After that happened Dick went home and got dressed for the gala.

Later at the Gala

Bruce was greeting and talking to the guests. "Good evening Mr and Mrs Wilson" greeted Bruce. "Good evening to you too Bruce and I would like you to meet my daughter   Hannah" said Mr. Wilson. "Nice to meet you Hannah, I would like you to meet Barbara." said Bruce.

"Nice too meet you Hannah." Said Barbara. "Same" said Hannah. "Barbara could you give Hannah a tour of the mansion?" asked Bruce.
"Of course, follow me." said Barbara. 

"Hey Bruce" said Dick. "Good evening Dick." Said Bruce.

Then Hannah walked up to Dick "Hello" she said to Dick. "Hello" replied Dick.

"So this is a painting that... where did she go" said Barbara.

Then she saw that Dick and Hannah were talking

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