Chapter 3

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Ow! Ow! Ow! Leg cramp!

I shoot my eyes open and try to get rid of the debilitating cramp in my leg that is seeming to take over my body.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" Dad looks over at me worried and confused.

"My leg is cramping!" I say rather forcefully.

At this dad tries to hold back his laughter and I send him a glare.

"It's not funny. It feels like there is a knife in my leg. So you can stop laughing." I let out with a pointed look.

"I know sweetie. You just should've seen your face." Dad said scrunching up his nose and squinting his eyes in attempt to mimic my previous expression.

I start laughing at Dad's face. He looks like a baby that's trying to go to the bathroom.

"Okay. Maybe it was funny." I say with a sigh. "Why don't we stop at the next restaurant and get some food and let Sassy out for a minute."

"Sounds good to me, we are still about two hours away from the new house."

I simply nodded and focused my gaze out side the window watching the woods pass bye.
About an hour and a half passes bye before we find a quiet little dinner to stop at for breakfast. Since it is still fairly early, only a few other people litter through the family diner.

"Sit anywhere y'all like and someone will be right over to start y'all off." The middle aged waitress called out from behind the counter.

We both nodded and selected a booth by the window. As I glance out the window I see Sassy growling at a group of guys walking towards the door of the dinner. I don't really think much of it because she has always acted like that to new people.

"Hiya guys, what can I start y'all off with this morning?" The waitress questions as she hands us menus.

"I'll take a coffee, black please." Dad smiles.

"Okay, and you?"

"Hot tea please. " I smile back.

"Okay. Y'all look over the menus and I'll be right back with your drinks."

Looking over the menu I decide that I want bacon and eggs. Yes I'm basic, but it's my favorite. Dad will probably get pancakes, they're his weakness.

The waitress starts making her way across the diner with our drinks and I sit my menu down. The bells on the door jingle as the door swings open and the group of guys Sassy was growling at earlier walks in.

"Blake you know the drill.  Any table an I'll be right over." The waitress calls out as she reaches our table. " I had a coffee black for you, and a hot tea for you.  I went ahead and brought you cream and sugar for your tea."  

"Thank you" Me and my day say in unison before we start laughing and giggling with the waitress. 

During our laughter fit the person the waitress addressed as Blake has decided that he and his gang will take the booth directly across from me and behind my dad. 

"Do y'all know what you want or do ya need a minute?"

"Bacon and fried eggs for me, hard please" i smile out glancing at the guys.  Man they all look like gods.  

"Pancakes for me" my dad says looking a little uncomfortable.

"I'm gonna go get this put in a will bring it right out."  

"What's wrong daddy?" I ask worriedly.

"It's nothing sweetie.  Just a lot of people coming in here. Makes me realize that we are missing." My dad spits out. 

"Okay.  Promise to tell me if anything is wrong"

"Don't worry.  I will".

I start rubbing my legs, as it ha begun to hurt again.  I really hope this stops soon.   I don't like it, and it seems to be worse than before. 

The table of guys are all having a shushed conversation. Well all except for the one who I think the waitress called Blake.   He is by far the biggest of the four guys.  His dark hair and tan skin bring out his green eyes.  He is looking in my direction, probably just wandering who the new person is since everyone else seems to be a local. 

"Hey dad, is the town we're moving to small?"

"Yep.   Not very many people in it at all.  There is only one high school, you will be starting at it Wednesday. It's called Whisper High."  Dad recalls.

I slip off in though about what everything will look like and how the people will act.  I don't even notice that my food has been brought out and dads started eating. 

I quickly mumble thank you and start eating my food. 

Me and dad quickly finish, both of us anxious to get to the new house.  Dad pays and we start to leave. Dad walks out the door and I remember I left my phone on the table. 

"Hey dad I forgot my phone.  I'll be right out!"

I turn back to get my phone and one of the guys stand up in my way. 

"Hey princess, you forgot your phone on your table."   The god-like green-eyed guy stated handing it to me. 

"Umm, thanks.   Well I need to go my Dad is waiting." I say turning to walk out. 

The looks sad and starts to talk, but I walk out the door before he has the chance. 

I get in the car and we finish the drive to the new house.  Looking out the window absent minded the whole way. 

"Sweetie we're here!"  Dad says as we pull up to a cute little house off the road.

The house is surrounded by woods.  I guess Dad picked that specifically knowing how much I enjoyed them.   I jump out of the car and take a deep breath before walking up the steps to my new home.  Sassy races up the steps and rushes into the house jumping onto the couch as soon as I open the door. 

I guess this may not be as bad as I had thought.  Maybe this change will be good for me and help Dad. 

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