Chapter 6

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Picture of black wolf above. This is the wolf that appears second in this chapter


As I make the descent the wolf perks up.  It seems happy that I am getting closer to it by the second.

The large black wolf is laying on it's stomach in a way that seems painful considering its size.  Even laying flat on the ground it is still around three foot tall, or so it appears.

I step off the last branch of the tree and carefully turn to face the beast.  I am no more that four feet away from the creature that could easily end my life with just the flick of a paw.

The wolf scoots towards me as it remains on the ground with its head low.  The gesture is something a puppy would do, not this deadly wild animal.  I feel as if something is pulling me to connect with it.


"Is someone there?" I call out carefully.  Not wanting to scare the wolf.

No answer.  I swear I just heard a voice say 'mate'.

Maybe it was just my imagination or the wind. 

I look back to the wolf to see it is less than a foot away now.  I slowly crouch down so that I am on the same level as the wolf. 

I wait a minute to see how it reacts before slowly moving my hand in its direction.  At the gesture it's ears perk up and it's eyes light up.

Suddenly a howl is heard in the distance and the beast moves so that it is standing, towering over me.  It's face is focused on the sound as it looks like it is debating what to do inside its head.  The beast takes a few steps back before giving me a look that almost seems sad.  It then  takes off running in the direction of the howl that happened only minutes ago. 

I sit in shock over what just happened.  I slowly make my way to my feet and start in the direction of my house. 

I can't believe that a massive wolf sat in front of  me.  Let alone laying on its stomach.  I could've just died and no one would have known.

Maybe I should steer clear of the woods for a while in hopes that the wolves move on.  But I want to see the black wolf again.  I felt safe with that wolf, like it would protect me from anything that could be thrown my way. 

The edge of the woods appear and my house slowly comes into view.  I quickly run into the house to see if dad is home.  Debating if I should tell him about what happened in the woods. 

He is still gone.  I guess I get to eat another sandwich for supper.  I don't need to stay up late considering I start at the new school tomorrow. 

I quickly make and eat my food, feeding Sassy in the process.  After I finish, I pace my plate away and write dad a note. 

"I went up to bed, don't stay up too late.  I will see you in the morning,                                               Love you,   Sadie."

Walking up the steps I knew that Sassy was in pursuit by the clicking.  We both went into my room, her onto my bed and me to change. 

Quickly slipping on the same pjs from last night I crawled into bed and let sleep drag me under.

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