Chapter 8:"I Love Simon"

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Simon POV

David had finally come out to the judging panel. I kept my eye on him as he sat down. Alesha and Amanda blocked my view of David. "What were you doing David?" Asked Alesha. I look pass both of the ladies to see how David would react. David responded by saying"I was just taking forever to get ready now lets get started with these auditions. Come on audience are you ready"? said David. The crowd roared with excitement. I was confused how is David going to act all isolated for one moment but then act all normal then next. Something was fishy and I didn't like it at all.

Third POV

"Alright your up good luck" said Dec. The first person walked out onto the stage. He was 6 ft 2 and was wearing a green jacket. David asked the man "whats your name"

"My name is Richard Bayton"

"Alright Richard best of luck to you" said David

Richard put the thumps up toward Dec.

"Hit it" said Dec. The music started playing.

"Oh dont you dare look back just keep your eyes on me I said shut up and DANCE....nothing else for me to do just Dance"

Simon POV

Oh my god I thought. This guy was doing a combination of multiple songs. I was lauging so much in disbelief. I thought this was already horrible. Richard kepted on singing. Now he was singing a song from the movie Annie.

"Tomorrow,Tomorrow,I love ya tomorrow. Your always a day awaaaaaaaaaayyyyy..wait a minute lemme take you there..."

When Richard switched the song for like the 4th time I pressed my buzzer. David stood up and said"what"? I just grinned in my own pride as I sip my glass of water.

Alesha and everyone was having a good time as I suffer. All I was doing was laughing and shaking my head left and right. He then switched the song again and again. The last song was from the Jungle Book.

"Can't learn to be like someone like meeeeeeee!"

It was finally over YES! I thought. I couldn't believe the whole crowd was on there feet cheering for him. David came over to me and grabbed both my hands and clapped them for me. He then said "You loved it,it put a smile on your face he did the jungle book and you loved it". I chucked at what he said. "Yea I guess I loved it but we'll have to see how the voting goes" I said in reply. David smiled he was only inches away from my face. I wanted to kiss him but I knew my wife and son is watching this right now. So I motioned David to sit down and he did. "Omg that was just amazing...I'm Saying yes" said Amanda

"You got yourself another yes Richard" said Alesha

"I'm saying No...I don't think your cut out for singing" I said. The crowd shouted"Booooo"
"But its true" I said. "Simon is wrong your idea was just so smooth and really creative. So you got yourself 3 yeses" said David. I lean back in my chair as the audience cheers for Richard. David looked over at me and winked. I bit my bottom lip and winked back. He smiled and turned his attention back on Richard who was in tears for getting 3 yeses.

David POV

Auditions were over that night and I stayed a bit late in my office finishing up some work. A nock could be heard at my door. "Who's there?" I ask. The person on the other side of the door responded by saying"its me Alesha". "Come in" I said. Alesha turned the door nob and entered.

"Hey David I wanted to talk about something with you"

"What do you want to talk about?

"Its about the incident at your house...I feel like that your lying David. Your wife is fully aware that you flirt with Simon on a normal bases so why would she attack you like that if she knows you do that"?

I froze in my desk...shes catching on to something,I've got to tell her..don't tell her..TELL HER DAVID!

"Ok you want to know the truth"? I asked

She nodded violently.

"The truth is I invited Simon to my house to hangout. And as we were sitting next to each other watching Tv I kissed him. Then he kissed me back. We started making out and my wife saw it. I tired calming her down but she went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Simon came over to help me. He pinned her to the ground and the police came to arrest her. PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYONE"

Alesha's eyes were wide open. She looked like she was paralyzed. Almost like she saw a ghost fly pass behind me. " like Simon?" She asked. I nodded my head in shame. "I can't help it...I love Simon"I said.I put my head down on my desk and started crying. After 10 seconds of crying I felt arms wrap around my neck. Alesha was hugging me. "Its ok David,I'll support you"

"Thank You Alesha..Thank you" I said in my tears.

I'm Falling For You(Damon Fanfiction BGT) Simon X DavidWhere stories live. Discover now