Chapter 16: Let's Get Out Of Here(Finale)

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Simon Pov

"We all remember the plan right?" I asked to the whole crowd of staff

They all nodded in response. "Simon" Amanda grabbed my arm.

"Yes Amanda?"

"If we don't get through this I want you to know I love you Simon,we've known each other for so long and if we die today I want to die together" Amanda said.

Alesha joined in "right! Nobody left behind"

Amanda looked toward Alesha and nodded. She turned back to me. "Amanda...I don't like you that way" I said.

Amanda's eyes widen,"not like that you dork". She slapped me on my cheek. My cheek felt red hot. "Damn Amanda" I exclaimed giving her a frown.

"Enough you to,we got to get out of here remember?" Alesha stated.

"She's right, alright guys let's get this plan on the road. Group A get ready to bust the doors down with the tables. Group B when the doors open tackle the guards down or beat them whatever you prefer. And Group C(Amanda,Alesha,Dec,Ant and I) you stick with me as we go and get David".

"Alright mate this is going to be great" Ant suggested.

"No it's not" I stated.

"Oh come on Simon let me be the humorous one for once" Ant suggests.

I rolled my eyes. Group A had set themselves up. They lift the table up as a group. "Alright you guys ready" I asked. Group A said "yes".

"Ok ready,steady...GO".

Group A stormed toward the door. The table collided with the door. Causing a huge thud to ring out. The security guard was looking in through the glass window on the door. Group A backed up and charged at the door once again. The table smashed the glass window. But the door wasn't down yet. "Big finale guys come on" I cheered on. Group A backed up with the table and charged at the door once again. They shocked me because they literally threw the table at the door,nocking it down. Multiple guards came charging in on us. Another guard was standing at the doorway. I shouted "Group B" they started attacking the guards.

The guards aren't buff guys. So it was easy for Group B to handle them. My Group and I charged to the door and knocked the guard down. We all ran out of the break room. A lot of members were calling the police department. "Come on Alesha,Amanda,Dec,and Ant let's go find David.

David POV

She kicked me in the ribs again. I was on the ground crying. There was blood dripping from my mouth. Lara was beating me. She had shot me in the legs so I couldn't go anywhere. We were on stage. The whole auditorium was empty. With no one to hear my screams of pain. She kicked me twice in my face. "OWW" i screamed. More blood was started to stream down my face. Expect this time blood was coming from my nose.

Lara put her foot on my hand showing that she's the boss.

"I hate doing this to you David,I really do but honestly you deserve it. You and Simon are such an ugly couple. Me and you together is golden. And now David I hate to do this but, I'm going to shot your brains out now. But don't worry this will hurt a lot," Lara said laughing out loud.

I thought this is it. This is how I die in the hands of my crazy wife. She aimed the gun at my head. Her smile grew bigger and more terrifying. Suddenly Lara was punched in the side of her head. "Don't you ever aim a gun at David" it was Alesha. Including Amanda,Dec,Ant and Simon.

Simon POV

Alesha was punching the crap out of Lara. "You stupid bitch!" Alesha screamed out. I could hear her punches smacking against Lara's face. While that was happening Dec went over and grabbed the gun that was laying next to Lara.
Alesha began chocking Lara. "I hope you go to hell you dumb ASS ho-" Alesha was interrupted by the police arriving. She didn't bother to get off Lara. That is until the police got close to us. Alesha got off of Lara. The officer than handcuffed her. "Hey isn't this the lady who escaped Gartee Prison? Oh my god I knew it was you" the officer stated. After Lara was arrested David was taken to the hospital. We all drove close behind the ambulance.

2 weeks later...

I drove up to the parking lot of the hospital. I walked in and asked to see David Walliams. The doctor walked in to David's room"David you have a visitor". David looked at me with a smile on his face as I walked in. "I'll leave you two alone" said the doctor. I walked up to David and sat down in a chair next to the bed he was laying on.

"How is your legs doing?" I asked

"They're doing fine,the doctor said I could start walking in about a couple days now"David said.

"Look David, I'm sorry for all the stuff that has happened" I said

"What's there to be sorry about"?

"The deal I made with Lara..." I looked down to my lap. I was upset,Lara lied to me. She harmed my friends including my David.

David's hand slides under my chin. He leaned in he kisses me. I haven't kissed David in weeks. But for some reason it felt like my first kiss with him. His lips were as soft as they can get. The butterflies went crazy in my stomach. The adrenaline rushed throughout my body,I miss David's kisses so much

We both pulled away.

"So does that mean we're boyfriends again" I asked.

"Hell yes we are"David said wrapping his arms around my neck.

"AWWW" someone said at the door.
David and I turned to the door to see Amanda,Alesha and STEPHEN!?!?I was surprised. Stephen was in a wheel chair and alive.

"Don't give me that glare Simon" Stephen mentioned.

"I thought you were...dead" I said.

"Takes more than a gunshot to kill me Simon" Stephen said.

Later that night...

I laid next to David on the bed. His body up against mine. He was fast asleep in my arms.
His snores are so adorable. I chuckled a bit.

"What's so funny" asked David.

"Nothing" I respond.

David gave me a pec on my lips. "Simon"?

"Yes?" I asked

"Does Lauren know about our relationship?" David asked.

I responded" Yes she does".

"So what happened to Eric?" David asked

"Eric we'll I'm taking good care of him now but, I bet he wouldn't mind having his STEP dad come live with us" I said.

David looked at me confused. He then caught on to what I said.

And his lips formed into smile.

The end...?

I'm Falling For You(Damon Fanfiction BGT) Simon X DavidWhere stories live. Discover now