Day 39

39.8K 2K 850

MAR 06 at 12:21 AM

Natalie: Athos

Natalie: It's so cold

Natalie: The door

Natalie: won't open

Natalie: why

Natalie: can't i get it

Natalie: open


Athos: It really won't open this time, Natalie.

Natalie: I'm

Natalie: shaking

Natalie: My fingers

Natalie: won't listen to me


Athos: Soon enough, you'll stop shivering.

Athos: Your vision will blur.

Athos: You will even hallucinate.

Athos: You won't be able to move.

Athos: By 12:41, you'll be unconscious.

Athos: And by 01:01 AM, your heart will cease to beat.

Athos: This is the death I designed for you, Natalie.

Natalie is typing...

Natalie: i'm sorry

Natalie: i'm scared

Natalie: I know

Natalie: i'm dying

Natalie is typing

Natalie: I'm going to die

Natalie: ?

Athos: Yes.

Natalie is typing..

Natalie: Why did you lie?

Athos: I didn't. I told you, you won't get killed by a killer.

Natalie is typing...

Natalie: Is there really a killer after me?

Natalie: Kanina?

Athos: Yes. Your ex-boyfriend.

Natalie is typing...

Natalie: Why?

Athos: You tried to kill yourself before.

Athos: You violated your body and the sanctity of human life.

Athos: Mortheus thinks that you deserve to die violently.

Hello, Death (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon