I didin't mean to!!!

376 9 2

Le me thinks I shouldn't make my OC a cussing heartless b*tch

She'll still be badass though. I mean really, why not?

OC's going to be happy go lucky now or someone lively and cheery!

She'll be a cheeky li'l fella ol'right!

Ohmhaygwash on the sudden personality shift.

Anywaysss hirrr goes my little story!


I yawned as I got up from my bed smiling, "Morning sun!" I greeted the ray of light peeking through my curtains through the windows. Jumping off my bed I hummed happily as I reached the restroom.

"Morning you cheeky fella!" I smiled to my reflection on the mirror. Ojiji had taught me this when I was new here in the orphanage.

He said we should always be smiling so that the negative energy of the world would be countered with our positive ones.

Today is going to be another great day! I hope, well not all days are great some are just normal boring ones but hey! I'm trying to look at this optimistically.

I brushed my teeth and combed my shoulder-length auburn hair. Quickly putting on a pair of jeans, a fresh white shirt, my favorite red leather jacket that matched my hair and lastly putting on my black converse shoes.

Unbeknownst to me something or someone had plans for me and moved behind me. A slight shadow appeared on my peripheral vision.

"Ehhh~?" I say confused as I saw a shadow. The little ones must be planning on pranking me again! They always loved pranking me since I was so gullible.

"You guys better get out of there!" I shouted as I moved forward slipping into a black pit.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as I landed face first on... grass? My mouth made 'pwee' sounds as I spat out the grass that went in my mouth.

Looking around the scenery it looked somewhat familiar. Hmmm.... Mmmmm. Mmmmm! I thought hard then suddenly,

"A-Aha! I get it noooow. I must have traveled dimensions! O-or aliens abducted me! Or it could be-" I cut myself off scoldingly.

No me! You're being stupid. I harrumphed and planted myself on the ground arms crossed whilst sitting Indian style.

Sulking I had no idea what had just happened. Where have I seen. this place before? N-no. It couldn't be can it? Confused I marched off to a nearby river to see my reflection.

My eyes grew wide as I shouted, "EHHH?!" M-my face! Not that crazy your body! My body was now, mind you curvy-ish and slim. I blushed profusely at my image. My skin was now flawless even the freckles on my face had disappeared. What in fo'shizzle's name is going on here?

I touched my face frantically the river reflecting my image. Oh no. That cannot I repeat cannot be me. I was looking like those pretty girls and I was not pretty. I was just your average girl for goodness sake! At least I was still flat chested, really though who gets an huge chest when they're 12?

Waiiiit~ Where have I read this situation before?

Shiznit! Finally grasping the situation I plopped myself on the ground and started gathering facts namely:

1. I am most probably not in my world

2. My face was now purdy and it creeped me out

3. I'm stuck in a freaking anime world! I'm an otaku so I know

4. Why Naruto? I mean there are a hundreds more! So why did I get stuck in an anime I could most probably die?!

5. Four was not a fact but a complaint

I didin't mean to!!! (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now