Chapter 22

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4 days ago
Harry's POV
It been 4 days since we all knew about Hayley having cancer. And even worst my baby girl lost all her curly hair Every time she would ask why she has no hair and I would just say that happens to everyone I hate seeing my baby sad and upset about her hair to here we are in Disney Land to see the princess she always wanted to meet.
"Daddy why do I hwave to wear this"? Hayley ask me pointing at her hat I put on for her so her head won't show poor of my baby. "Well you mean everyone is going to wear a hat look".i said as me and the boys put hats on to so Hayley won't feel lonely. As we arrived there Hayley went straight to them.

2 hours later
As we were in the car are way home I decided to call Rose. "Hey um Rose I need to talk you about Hayley". I said "Oh I thought I couldn't talk about it cause you know you banned me not to see her". Rose said "Look I know I said that but its that ..... Hayley has... Cancer". I said breaking down "What Hayley has cancer but how omg I can't believe this I was so stupid for letting her go". Rose said crying "Look the only reason I'm telling you is because I don't want her to die without knowing who her mother is so come tonight at
7 p.m.". I said "Okay I be there". Rose said and hang. I'm only doing this for Hayley not for her.

Thank you all for reading and poor Hayley :(( Vote, comment, read

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