Chapter Ten

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Happy Friday everyone! We hope you are enjoying the book. Let us know what you think of this chapter to win another quick update. ~ Luna&Sunny

Lauren's POV

The class room door opened and Camila walked in. She looked pale and sick, like she might pass out and that's exactly what she did. She passed out on her way over to her seat.

"Oh my god! Camila!" I yelled wheeling myself over to her motionless body.

The entire room went silent as Mr. Reid and Miss Lovato rushed over to check on her.

"Selena, call an ambulance." Miss Lovato yelled out to Miss Gomez.

The entire time this was happening my eyes stayed locked on Camila. What had happened in these past two weeks?

Miss Gomez rushed to her bag, pulling out her phone and dialing 911.

Dinah rushed forward and was right beside me, dropping to her knees. "Walz!" She yelled out reaching out to touch her.

"Dinah, don't." Miss Lovato warned.

Dinah retracted her hand and looked up at me. I couldn't move. I was frozen in place. My heart was beating so fast in my chest that I swore it was going to explode.

"Demi, they are on their way." Miss Gomez said as she walked over to stand behind Miss Lovato.

Mr. Reid stood up and looked around the classroom. "Everybody get back to work, we will handle this."

"Dinah, do me a favor, take Lauren for a walk." Miss Lovato said.

Dinah nodded, grabbing the handles of the wheelchair and pushing me out of the room.

"What's happened to her?" I asked softly, hoping Dinah would know.

"I honestly don't know, Laur." Dinah sighed, pushing me away from the room.

I turned slightly in my chair to look at her. "What do you mean you don't know? You're supposed to be her best friend." I spat out.

"Yeah, and you're supposed to be her girlfriend." Dinah growled out.

"I don't know what we are." I mumbled, turning back around and placing my hand on my stomach.

Dinah sighed and stopped walking once we reached a bench not too far from our classroom.

"Look Laur, she really didn't mean those things she said to you." She said softly, sitting down in front of me on the bench. "Your two months pregnant now, and you and her have barely talked."

"Don't you think I know that?" I snapped.

Dinah's eyes widened in shock.

I looked down in shame. "Sorry." I mumbled. "I've tried talking to her. I've tried texting her, calling her, emailing her, but she ignores my calls and texts and when I try to talk to her face to face, she either walks away or she ignores me."

"She's doing it to all of us I think." Normani says softly as she walks over along with Ally and Zayn.

Dinah takes a deep breath and runs a hand through her hair. "She did this once, back when Lucy died. She just cut everyone out, blamed herself."

I nodded, playing with my fingers. I felt like this was my fault. She wanted to have sex but I didn't. She has to learn that sex isn't a way to deal with her emotions. Sex doesn't solve everything. A tear fell from my eye and ran down my cheek, dripping onto my wrist.

"Hey, Miss Lovato said we could go home." Ally said softly, wiping away the tear. "She said Mr. Cabello would call with any news."

Just then two paramedics passed us with a gurney, going to our classroom.

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