Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hey everyone, sorry for not updating in a while! Was really busy and then Sunny's computer wasn't working. There's one more chapter until the end of this book. Enjoy and don't kill us. ~Luna&Sunny

Lauren's P.O.V.

I sat by myself at one of the many tables. I was looking down at my feet.

"Laur, come dance." Ally whined, taking my hand and trying to get me to stand.

I shook my head, retracting my hand from her grip.

"Come on, sis, we are only eighteen once," Zayn tried. "Can I have this dance?" He held out his hand for me to take.

I didn't move. Why can't they understand that I don't want to? I don't even want to be here.

"Laur, we have a surprise for you." My mom said softly, running her fingers through my hair gently.

Suddenly, someone sat down beside me but I didn't make a move to look at them.

"Hey green eyes, did you miss me?" I heard from behind me.

I gasped and turned to find Camila sitting behind me, she's been gone a month checking out the place she will be going for bootcamp.

She smiled at me, and reached out to caress my cheek. "Dance with me?"

All I could muster up was a small smile, before taking her hand and standing. My legs gave way as soon as I did and I fell against her. She gave a soft laugh and helped me back onto my own feet.

"I always seem to make your knees weak without even trying." She whispered in my ear, as she walked me out onto the dance floor.

I bit my lip as Bruno Mars's 'Just The Way You Are' began playing through the speakers.

She grinned and wrapped an arm around my waist her left hand moving to caress my cheek. "Happy birthday beautiful."

I put my arms around her neck and produced a small smile before leaning my head against her shoulder.

Not moments later, Zayn and Niall joined us on the dance floor.

Almost all the kids from our school had been invited and that's why I felt so nervous and didn't want to take part. While Camila was gone the bullying got worse, no matter how many times Miss Lovato made an announcement about bullying being wrong or how many times Zayn tried to scare people away.

Camila held me as she sang softly in my ear. "Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me." She paused and kissed me gently. "Her laugh her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy. She's so beautiful, and I tell her everyday." She sang out softly, before pulling away.

She stepped back and smiled at me. "Mani called me and told me what's been happening since I was gone."

I sighed, closing my eyes and dropping my head. I didn't want her to know, I knew she'd worry.

Camila reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me off the dance floor and out of the room. "I missed you." She whispered, leaning me against the wall and kissing me.

"Em, excuse me, girls." My dad appeared beside us. "I'd appreciate it, Camila, if you didn't fuck my daughter until tomorrow, please."

Camila blushed, pulling away. "Sorry, sir." She said.

I bit my lip in embarrassment and looked down at my hands.

"Um, Mr. Jauregui, do you mind if I speak with Lauren for a few minutes?" She asked softly, she seemed nervous.

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