Chapter Nineteen

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Here's a little present for you guys! Enjoy! ~Luna&Sunny

Lauren's POV

I was sitting in the auditorium on the stage, looking out at the seats. I sighed, a tear running down my cheek.

Something inside of me knew, I would never walk again. I would never get to live out my dreams.

"Hey." I heard from behind me as Camila and our friends made their way out from behind the curtains.

I didn't turn around to look at her. I just sat there, looking at the seats, trying so hard to stop myself from crying.

"What's wrong baby?" Camila whispered as she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I shook my head, turning away from her slightly so that she couldn't see me crying.

She cupped my cheek and turned my head to face her. "Talk to me baby." She whispered.

I pulled my head out of her grip, looking down at my hands in my lap. "It's nothing." I mumbled.

"Laur?" Camila whispered softly, looking down at her hands.

I looked up at her. "I'm never going to be able to stand on a stage and perform." I whispered, hoping she wouldn't hear me.

She didn't look up at me or anything, which told me she must not have heard me.

That's when I heard the music beginning to play in the background.

"Clap your hands, y'all it's alright, clap your hands y'all it's alright." Dinah began to sing, clapping her hands together.

Camila reached down and pulled me out of my chair.

"If tomorrow is judgement day." Normani continued after Dinah.

"Sing mommy." Dinah sang out still clapping her hands.

I gripped onto Camila's shoulders as she began to slowly dance with me.

"And I'm standin' on the front line, and the Lord asks me what I did with my life, I will say I spent it with you." She sang out softly.

My legs were shaking beneath me as I looked into her eyes while she sang. I was so scared in case my legs gave way beneath me.

She smiled as she continued to dance with me.

Zayn stepped forward and began to sing. "If I wake up in WW 3, I see destruction and poverty. And I feel like I want to go home.It's okay if your coming with me"

Soon everyone began to sing.

"Cause your love is my love, and my love is your love. It would take an eternity to break us. And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us."

Everyone was dancing with someone and surprisingly Zayn was dancing with Niall.

I laughed as Zayn tripped over Niall's foot, nearly falling face first onto the floor.

Camila's smile grew as she spun me away from her gently before pulling me back into her arms.

Justin pulled Ally close as he sang. "If I lose my fame and fortune, and I'm homeless on the street."

Ally smiled back before stepping forward to sing. "And I'm sleepin' in Grand Central Station. It's okay if you're sleeping with me."

Harry was smiling as he looked at Louis. "As the years they pass us by, we stay young through each other's eyes."

Everyone was sing beautifully and I couldn't help but get teary eyed.

"And no matter how old we get. It's okay as long as I got you babe." Louis sang out, cupping Harry's cheek.

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