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THEDAY y/n had been waiting for had finally come around. [he/she] couldn't tell how much time had passed, but [he/she] hoped that only a mere moment had. Y/n couldn't—wouldn't think about what Henry had been going through or doing in the moments [he/she] wasn't there. Hope at the moment was all y/n had to hold onto.
It was pure luck at the time to find a villager willing to house someone so injured. Y/n managed to come across a lovely lady, she was a perky optimistic woman. Mandi Caywood, was her name. She took y/n in and treated [her/him] as though [he/she] were her own child.
While graciously nursing y/n back to health. Mandi was tearful when the time came for y/n to head back home. It wasn't sadness it was more joyful. The woman was happy that y/n would finally be back with [her/his] family. She was truly happy for the child whom she helped.
Y/n walked the halls of the small cabin, calling out for Mandi. [he/she] stopped when [she/he] spotted Mandi on the porch looking out at the woodland creatures.
"Which ones are your favorite?" Y/n asked, stepping beside Mandi.
A smile made it's way to the woman's face, "all of them." She responded.
Y/n smiled as well, Mandi's smiles were always contagious. "I'm going to miss you." Y/n spoke, looking to the older woman.
Mandi placed her hand on y/n's, "i will miss you too." Y/n's smile became saddened, Mandi noticed.
"Don't think of it as goodbye. Think of it as, I'll see you later." Mandi gave y/n's hand a reassuring squeeze, as y/n let out a chuckle.
Sundown approached; it was time to leave. Holding the magic bean in her hand, Mandi transferred it over to y/n's hand. Y/n threw it in front of them, the portal opened.
Taking a deep breath, y/n stepped towards the portal; the portal home. "See you later, alligator." Mandi yelled out to [her/him].
Y/n turned back, "in a while, crocodile." [her/his] voice cracked, as one stray tear ran down [her/his] face. Y/n stepped into the portal, thus taking [her/him] home, home to him.