alone | h.m

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( henry pov )

THE TOWN of Storybrooke used to be a place where nothing happened, until I ventured past the border in search of my biological mother, Emma Swan.

Mayham broke out when she stayed, for me. I'm not one to whine, I'm happy she stayed, but with her presence in Storybrooke came the villains looking for a fight.

My family, the Charmings and Mills' are made of princes and princesses, future kings and queens. I'm not in any storybook, I'm human, not a fairytale character.

Most see me as the weak link of the family, easily assessable and the most vulnerable, with no powers or fighting skills of my own. All I am is the truest believer, because I believe in everything and everyone.

I'm not a fairytale prince nor king, all I am is alone with my belief. I'm just me.

I walk through the halls of school with the soul purpose of keeping my head down and blending in. As the mayors son, that's the hardest thing to accomplish.

"Why hello, believer." A boy my age said tauntingly, as he jumped off the banister of the stairs, landing in front of me.

I shook my head and tried to push past him. He stood in front of me like a wall, his friends gathered on either side of him, blocking my way.

"Aw. Please don't tell me your mute now." He teased, I just scoffed.

Turning on my heels I went to walk the other way, but I was stopped by a few more of his goons forming a wall, ultimately boxing me in.

"Today is not the day for this, Jack." I sighed, "don't you have a cow to go sell?" I questioned, the students that gathered around stifled their laughter.

Jack tried to remain un-phased by my taunts back. "Oh wait, that's your mom."

Without a moment to prepare, I found myself stuck in a headlock.

"Your a real freak, Mills." He said, tightening this arms.

I clawed at his forearms as I started to panic.

"At least I have a family that loves me." He whispered maliciously in my ear.

"Do you think if I killed you, they would miss you?" He asked me, his arms becoming tighter to the point were my oxygen intake was limited.

"Let go of him!" A commanding voice said from the crowd.

A girl stepped out from the bundle of people watching me almost get killed.

"What are you gonna do about it sweetheart?" He taunted, throwing me to one of his friends, who held me tight as he looked the girl up and down. What a pig.

She walked forward.
"That's a great question, let me think-" In a split second her fist collided with his jaw

He stumbled back, as his friends looked stunned at what they just saw. The boy holding me lost his grip, now was the best time for me to get loose. I elbowed him in the stomach, he doubled down, releasing me entirely.

Jack regained his stance, holding his jaw. Tears leaked from his eyes. He ended up running away, sobbing to the nurses office.

I looked back we're the girl stood. She was gone. I felt the need to know who she was, and why she helped me when no one else did.

But, what hit me hard, was that I actually wasn't alone, she cared enough to help me. She cared.

That's when I finally realized, I wasn't truly ever alone.

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