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( y/n pov )
"Happy Birthday!🎉" Was the last text I got from Henry. I never saw him again, he just disappeared.
I laid on my bed, looking up at the ceiling; wondering were my best friend went.
My eyelids began to become heavy. I let my thoughts slip away, as I went into my dreams.
( y/n & henry; age7)
I saw a boy get his books smacked out of his hands, by one of the popular kids. He waited for the kid and his friends to leave. I walked up to him, and bent down to help him. I picked up a book. "Once Upon A Time" I whispered out loud. He looked up at me. "If your gonna laugh at me, just do it now." He said in defeat. "I'm not gonna laugh at you." I told him. "I actually love Fairytales." I said to him. "What's your name?" He asked me sheepishly. "Y/N" I replied. "My names Henry." He told me. "Nice to meet you Henry." I said. Henry smiled in response.
( y/n & henry;age 12)
"Keep up Henry." I yelled behind at the brown haired boy. "I'm trying, your just faster than me." He replied from far behind. I stopped and let him catch up. "Come on Pan is after us!" I said to him seriously. "Y/N! If I let Pan have my heart, I can save Neverland, and all the magic on it!" He told me waiting for my reply. "Are you really that stupid Henry! He's playing you. Once you give up your heart he's gonna take over Storybrooke." I yelled at him. "I want to be a hero for once Y/N! Im tired of being overshadowed by my family." He yelled back at me. After hearing his response, my heart broke at the words he spoke. I walked towards him. I put my hands on his shoulders. And looked him in the eyes. "You're my hero." I said to him. He stared at me, before he leaned in and attached his lips to mine.
( y/n & henry;age 15)
"Hey! Y/N wait up!" Henry yelled from behind me. I turned my head to see him run up to me. "We still on for that Star Wars marathon?" He asked me with hope in his voice. "Yeah, I would never miss it." I said smiling at him. "8:00? My house?" He asked me. "Sounds good." I replied. "Okay.. Well I'll see you later." He said before running off to Emma. Henry had lost his memory after his fight with Pan. He had no idea that we kissed, and or got together. I had to play it off as if we were still best friends again.
( y/n & henry;age 16)
"Y/N can I tell you something?" Slurred Henry. "Henry, I think your drunk." I stated. "No I'm not!" He said raising his voice. "How did you even get alcohol?" I questioned. "Hook." He replied slowly. "Lets get you home." I said grabbing my jacket. I put my arm around Henry, to support him and walk him to my car. "Henry, if you puke in my car, you will buy me a new one." I told him seriously. I set him in the passengers seat, before quickly running over to my side. "You know Y/N, I've always liked you." He said to me. "I know that Henry, why do you think we're best friends?" I told him, while keeping my eyes on the road. "Not as a friend, I've liked you as more!" He slurred. My eyes shot over to him, he had closed his eyes and fallen asleep. Oh Henry. Look what you've done.
( y/n & henry;age 17)
I hadn't seen Henry in awhile. He and his family went off the radar, I don't even know what happened to him, or if he's alright. I decided to take a walk around Storybrooke. I've done this for the past month, hoping to maybe run into Henry. I gave up hope a long time ago that I would bump into him, let alone see him. I walked past Regina's house. Before walking backwards and standing in front of it. I decided to knock on the door, and if I didn't get an answer, then I wouldn't come here ever again. I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked once again, not wanting to give up hope. No answer. Tears started running down my face, as I knocked again. No answer. He was gone. Sobs took control and I slid down on my back, down the door. My head in my knees. "Y/N" a voice said from in front of me. Im dreaming, I know that voice. Its just a dream. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see the face of Henry. "Im dreaming." I whispered. "Your not dreaming Y/N." he said to me. I jumped up, and hugged him. "I thought I lost you." I said to him, while hugging him. "Im sorry I left you without telling you." He said to me. "Were did you go?" I asked him. "Camelot. To meet King Arthur." He told me. "And I met someone." He told me. My eyes widened as I let him go. "Wait what?" I said astonished by what I just heard. "I met someone that I like." He repeated I'm a different way. My heart sunk. "Who?" I said, before regretting it. "Y/N." He said sheepishly smiling at me. I mouthed 'me' as I pointed a finger at myself. He nodded his head. I smashed our lips together. As I pulled back from his lips, I hugged him, as if I let go of him, he wouldn't be there anymore. I wish I could just freeze time right here right now, at age seventeen.