Chapter two

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I then then moved to one that the reindeer calls luffy. he held his ground but kept grinning at me. But it didn't piss me off. oh no it would take more to do that. I giggled to myself, ' there you are'. let's see if the two of them are worthy to be my owners. I then returned the smile with my own.

.......Chapter two........

Voella's Pov

I signalled to the animals that it was time for me to leave, they all understood. it took me most of my years to get them to understand even when I transformed they ran away from me in human form, until they realised it was me, idiots. They understood that I would have two owners and would have to leave with them.
I roared and they all went to their daily events leaving me to test them out. That's if they are worthy.

Zoro's Pov

I watched as she sent shivers down my spine when she roared, however I didn't feel scared, I actually wanted to go up to her a stroke her fur.
As soon as she roared all the animals moved away. and then she turned her attention to me and luffy.
She stared to stalk us. like we were prey. she stopped a metre away from luffy and crouched into a fighting stance, but it had a hint of playfully ness.
She stayed like that until luffy started walking to her, but suddenly he stopped, and floated in the air. it was like the wind was acting like a serpent, crushing luffy in the air. Luffy seemed to be frozen and then he suddenly started to squirm in pain. But so did the wolf.

Voella's pov

The young, male, human walked towards me. so I called on the air to constrict him in the air. ' I wonder' I thought
As I was looking through his memories, I felt his pain, his joy..... his every experience. and then I saw his determination. i smiled to myself, I finally found one. but what about the other.
( luffy......luffy..... my name is Voella van soren.....and I accept you as my master, I can only speak once, so listen well. Wait for the day and night of the full moon and you will be able to speak to me .) * note to readers. She can only speak once, so she waited for years for this moment*
I opened my eyes to see him smiling to me, he reached out to stroke my head, but I let the air drop him. ' we can do that later... now for the other one' I thought

Luffy's Pov

I was about to approach, this huge wolf when I was lifted into the air. but as I tried to get my hands loose, I looked into her crimson eyes. I saw my life flash before me, I felt everything. how i felt when shanks left, the day my crew disappeared. however I heard my name being called.
( luffy......luffy..... my name is Voella van soren.....and I accept you as my master, I can only speak once, so listen well. Wait for the day and night of the full moon). he he he I giggled to myself. I opened my eyes to see hers still shut. ' so she's the voice.

Third Pov

The she wolf left luffy on the floor and made her way to zoro. sweat appeared from his brow and his throat became dry. he put one sword in his mouth and held the other two. Voella stared at him, then zoro suddenly charged. but Voella was ready. she stopped his swords with one of her tails and pushed him away. They circled each other. waiting for one the make a move. Voella disappeared and reappeared behind zoro, mouth open to grab him with her razor sharp teeth. but snapped closed when zoro jumped to the left to avoid her attack. he then skidded and charged at her shouting "Kiki Kyutoryu: Asura". which made him seem like he had 3 heads and 6 arms. also a dark aura surrounded him. but this didn't effect the she wolf at all. she just inhaled and put up her large paw with her claws out, which glittered in the sun. she exhaled when she caught zoro's attack. he was shocked but recovered quick glaring at her. zoro charged at her again but jumped over her and onto her back. Voella, by instinct, submitted to him. by laying on her back with her neck showing. And his swords close to her neck.

Voella Pov

Damn, as soon as he jumped on my back I felt my body take control and I submitted. ' Grrrrrrr...... Fuck these instincts' I thought while showing him my throat.
He seemed confused by my actions, but soon enough got off me.' Might as well' I thought. and grabbed the back of his collar by my teeth and put him on my back. he gasped and held onto fur instinctively. then sighed and patted my fur, which made purr. ' wait when did I start to purr'

Zoro Pov

I was completely shocked when she grabbed me by my collar and threw me on her back. I couldn't help but grab onto her fur. ' tsk is she bi-polar or something.. So troublesome' I sighed and stroked her fur, it was extremely soft, I had the urge to sleep. wait what's that rubbling sound, s-she's purring. I couldn't help but smirk.
It was only then that I realised that we had gone into the forest and that it had gottern dark, how long were we fighting, it felt like minutes when we were charging at each other. as we were walking back I kept watching her ears constantly twitch and move,is she on high alert. I turn my attention to our surrounding ' hmmmm'. " heeeyyyy zzooorrroo" luffy bellowed. sigh that baka. i was about to get off but she growled at me, humph fine then.

Voella Pov

No way am I letting him off, he should be honoured. I remember when my grandfather told me how his friend left one of his masters alone for a couple of minuets and he found him dead. so...... no way hoes a. he seem peeved of but meh It was either my back, or me holding him in my mouth. like a wolf carries her cubs.
I felt luffy getting anxious and picked up our speed a little..
I made our way back to the other members, they flinched when they saw me. I sat down by the fire and the laid down on my side, and in the process I grabbed zoro off my back and beside my belly, so he was leaning on me. he just huffed, already used to my methods. I then looked for luffy and used one of my tails to grab a hold of him and put him in between my front legs so he was leaning on my chest. I then yawned and put my head on his lap with my eyes still open and watched the flames in the made up fire.

Luffy Pov

I watched as she approached Zoro, they charged at each other and disappeared into the forest, i was starting to pace back and fourth. ' it getting dark where are they' then I saw her, and zoro on her back "heeeyyyy zzooorrroo" I bellowed. 'hehehe. Finally now we can eat' I thought. Voella came over and lauded by the fire. she then moved zoro, to lean against her belly. she then looked at me and grabbed me with her tail, luckly I grabbed some food to eat. she then placed me in her front paws and yawned. she then placed her head on my lap and stared into the fire. With my free hand I stroked behind her ears
"L-luffy....z-zoro why I-is she cuddling y-you both" usopp asked. chopper and frank nodded in agreement.
" agh I don't no, she was fighting me, and the next thing I know, She's giving me a ride back here and wouldn't let me off " zoro sighed.
" Shi shi shi, she told me I was her master, she told me to tell you the we can speak to her on the ...... day and .....night of a full moon I think." I explained. " oh and her name is Voella"

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