Chapter Seven: Redirection

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                 “It’s so nice to see you again, Chris,” Cate murmured in her steady, low voice, and shivers cascaded down my spine.

“I guess you’re here for the wedding as well?”

“That’s right. And I heard you’re not planning on attending.” Cate pursed her lips, her dark eyes boring into mine. My skin began to feel hot as another wave of cold shivers went through me, and I swallowed hard. This can’t actually be happening. They can’t actually be here. Not here, not in Beacon Hills, not at school. No.

 “I-I’m not. In case you forgot, we’re not exactly buds anymore.”

“I know that. We all do. But we were at one time, and we want to try and make it up to you, Chris.” As Cate spoke, I became painfully aware of the fact that we were completely alone out here on the quad. But as soon as I had realized that, their signature black SUV pulled up to the curb not two hundred feet away from where Cate and I sat. Oh no. No no no no no. My heart seized painfully, and my vision blurred for a moment too long. No. No. This cannot be happening. Pretending I hadn’t noticed, I stood up abruptly and grabbed my bag.

“I have to go to class now-”

“Please Chris, hear me out. I just want to explain everything to you!” Cate cried, but as I spotted Damien and Annie’s blonde heads begin to approach, I made a snap decision in the name of self-preservation. Gathering up all of my strength and channelling every ounce of fear I felt at the imminent advancement of the vampires, I chucked my backpack as hard as I could right into Cate’s face and took off running in the opposite direction, towards the lacrosse field behind the school.  

                  “Hey! Hey, wait, Chris!” I could hear their footsteps pounding behind me, and I knew the five-second head start I had on them would do me no good. If only I were a werewolf. I would at least stand a chance at outrunning them for the meantime. Just as I feared they were close enough to reach out and grab the back of my shirt, I was hit from the side, completely blind-siding me and knocking me to the ground. Arms wrapped tightly around me, and I tumbled and rolled until the two of us came to a sudden stop and they lifted me to my feet. His face blurred in front of me, and I felt my stomach surge as though I were about to throw up.

“Chris? Chris, are you okay? You look like you’re about to be sick.”

“Aiden?” I mumbled, completely disoriented as I all-but collapsed in his arms. Prying my eyes open, I let out a sudden shriek as the pack of vampires came to a halt in front of me and Aiden, fangs extended and eyes glowing. We were on the lacrosse field, the vampires standing just a few feet in front of the bleachers while Aiden and I appeared to be in the center of the field. To my utter surprise, Ethan stepped forward from seemingly out of nowhere and roared threateningly at the vampires. Aiden followed suit, pushing me behind his back and snarling ferociously, jaw snapping. I shuddered, holding onto the back of Aiden’s t-shirt as another wave of dizziness passed over me and I swayed on my unsteady feet. 

“We just want to talk to her,” Damien hissed, snapping his fangs and glowering at Aiden, who emitted another deep growl, low in his throat.

 “I don’t think so. What are you, anyway?”

 “You seriously don’t know, boy? We’re vampires. Now get out of our way before we rip you and your little brother into shreds,” Damien threatened, stalking closer with Marcus and Annie flanking him. They were all there though; Cate and Gisela were off to the right, eyes filled with worry and despair. Jake and Milo stood a little ways behind Annie, more to the left as they completed the pyramid. And it’s just me, Ethan, and Aiden out here against them. Great.

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