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fredag - 21:21 (♡)
at The Penetrators' party

We are standing at Christoffers door and Isak rang the bell.

I felt nervous.
After three times ranging the door, finally someone opened it.

"Heeey!" Chris said. Next to him stood a girl. They were holding hands.

His girlfriend!

"Hey! Luna right?"
I gave the girl my hand.

"Yes." She nodded and smiled.
Luna smelled like the perfume, that I own too.

"You guys are looking really sexy!" She said to all of us.

Luna and Isak hugged each other.
"Don't drink too much, Isak." She said and pinched his right cheek.
"You too, Luna."

I guess that the cousins have a really good relationship to each other. This kinda makes me jelous, because I don't even have a cousin.

Wow, she is really beautiful. No wonder, that Christoffer is dating her.

"Come in." Christoffer said and we all followed him to the livingroom.

"I am glad you came."
Penetrator Chris said to me.
He was about to hug me, but I stopped him.

He rolled his eyes.
"Don't you want to hug the boy who host this party?"

"I would rather hug a cactus."

He licked his lips and nodded.
"Alright. Next Halloween I will go as a cactus."

"Do you want to dance?"
A voice, behind me, asked.

I turned my head and I could saw Adam.
Why is he earlier here than us?
And when did he arrived here?

Chris rolled his eyes annoyed.
"Bro, seriously? You interrupted us."

"Penetrator, go and entertain your girlfriend."
Adam pointed at Luna, who seemed bored.

"Come on, let's dance."
"Sure." I mumbled and Adam took me to the crowd.

He gave me one beer and I took it with a big smile.

"I like your outfit." He told me.

I turned red and smiled at him.

Wow, Adam is so hot.

I don't know how long we danced, but it seemed very long.

After 30 minutes, we took a break on a couch.
"Let's take a photo together!" I said.

"Let's take a photo together!" I said

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