Chapter 4

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I walked inside the house smiling. I saw my drunk brother.

How is he an actor
How does he even keep a job.
I asked myself.

I went upstairs to start my homework. I finished and went downstairs for dinner. Kai was still drunk. I rolled my eyes and put a microwaveable food thing in the microwave. Kai was rambling on and on about this girl and how they had "fun" last night. I rolled my eyes and pulled my dinner out of the microwave, I started to walk upstairs when he grabbed my wrist hard and made me drop my dinner on the floor. I whimpered in pain. He held his grip.

"Let go Kai." I said sternly trying to show I wasn't afraid but I really was.

"No" He replied tightening his grip.

"Stop Kai it hurts." I pleaded, tears threatening to spill out any second. He finally let go. My wrist was painted in black and blue bruises. I couldn't move it at all. I ran outside and called Veronica to take me to a clinic or the hospital.

"Veronica, hey can you come get me." I said. My voice cracked because I was trying to not cry.

"Umm sure what's wrong?" She asked suspiciously.

"I fell down the stairs.. again and my wrist might be broken." I said, tears were spilling down my face now. Kai gave me bruises but never did this much damage.

"I'm in the car now." Veronica said quickly and she hung up.

I stood outside, tears falling rapidly. A car pulled up and Adam was inside.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked.

"I.. I fell down the stairs and hurt my wrist." I stuttered. It's really hard for me to lie.

"Let me give you a ride to the hospital." Adam said.

"No it's okay Veronica is going to pick me up, she'll be here a few minutes." I replied. I didn't really know Adam it would be awkward if I got in the car with him.

"No I insist." Adam said. I could tell he wasn't taking no for an answer so I accepted his offer and got in the car.

I texted Veronica and told her to meet me at the hospital.

"Thank you for the ride." I said. The tears hadn't completely stopped falling but weren't falling as fast anymore.

"You're welcome." He replied and smiled at me. I let a small smile creep from my face.

"So why couldn't your parents take you?" Adam asked.

"It's just me and my brother, but he got drunk so he couldn't drive." I replied.

"Oh i'm sorry." Adam said.

"No it's okay. You didn't know." I told him.

We pulled into the hospital parking lot. I got out and thanked him again before rushing inside to get my wrist treated.

I sat on a hospital bed when Veronica came rushing in. She saw my blue cast and her eyes softened.

"Broken?" She asked.

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