Chapter 3: This isnt the end... is it?

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You walked back to your car after the great time you had with Nicholas and the guys.
You wish it could never end.
While thinking this, you then realized "Shit how am I gonna tell my mom... She'll never believe me"
"I just wanna see him again but no one knows about us" You silently said this aloud to yourself. When you got home, the rest of the night was filled with nothing but tears, and regretting ever meeting Nicholas and doing those things with him... until you get a text from him, you knew it was him because the contact name in your phone was "Daddy💦" which you didn't know until you got the text, "he must've put it as that" you thought to yourself, silently giggling as you read the text:
"Wanna meet up Soon?, I know we just parted but.. I need to see you :<"

You: "Yeah I'd love to:), I miss you so much already"
Your phone Vibrated after sending the text.

Nicholas: "Hey, why don't you just come live with me in Utah? :), If you need a specific date in order to move in right away then I'd say Thursday at 1 would be perfect :}
I'll even help you unpack XP"

(authors note: I'm not sure where he currently lives, but, google says that he's from there aka Utah😂)

You were taken aback but smile while reading the text, however, you start wondering how your family would feel about this... Also wondering if this was all too soon, but in all honesty you didn't really care that this was happening rather soon, you were just so glad that you found someone so perfect, and it just happened to be him. though you started to think of how this would affect others once more, then thought aloud:
'I mean, I am 18 now....'  realizing that you're now mature enough to make your own decisions.
Therefore, without hesitation,
you text back: "Really? I'd love to, Honestly...I know that we haven't known each other for long but I just feel so comfortable and safe with you, and um... I think I love you:3"

Nicholas: "Awe, I love you too babe :*"

You grin as you grab your suitcases and pack as much as possible, This all feels so insanely wonderful.
Whenever you think of Nicholas, and your strong love for one another, you can't help but blush and smile.

Monday:  Your alarm clock went off at exactly 5:45, you always set it for this time on school days so you have time to shower, after you had took your long, cold shower,
and brushed your teeth and hair, you had quickly picked out an outfit for the day, A get scared sweatshirt, and ripped jeans
Then you did your makeup and ran out the door.

(authors note: I'm not gonna like go into depth on how school is in this story bc honestly who cares? XD)

School: School was usually long, never ending and boring...but today you had been thinking of Nicholas and how happy you would be living with him. You decide to tell your friend about him, but after you did, obviously she didn't believe you so you just let it go.

(Lol ignore this):*skips to thursday morning*

Thursday: The same alarm you usually set had went off, however this time you ignored it, already having planned to drop out. Your bags were already packed and ready as you walked out the door, makeup done, hair in a messy-bun, and a get scared shirt on.

As you got in your car and started driving to the airport you had thought about this throughout the week: what if things don't work out?... Then deciding to ignore the thought since it was just bringing you down, you arrived at the nearest airport, and got on the plane to Utah with no regrets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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