01. The Calm Before The Storm

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Hi guys! 🤗So

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Hi guys! 🤗
So... It's my first time on Wattpad. My real language is not even English, so if there are mistakes I'm sorry!
But I just love the English language and I wanted to try to write a story in English for the first time. So I hope you enjoy! Please leave me your comments, votes!
You can watch the trailer above... It's my first one haha!

I enter my house with a sigh of relief

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I enter my house with a sigh of relief.

Finally, school's over.

Well, for today only...


I throw my backpack on a chair and head towards the living room. I can already hear the sound of the television before I enter. A familiar blonde head sits on the couch, watching the TV. I grin when I see what my brother has in his hands from where I am. Carefully, as discreet as I possibly can be, I make my way around the couch and jump on him.

''Sup, brother!''

''Damn it, Lena!'' Xander jumps in surprise and glares at me. ''What are you... HEY!''

Cunning like a cat, I steal his precious and throw myself on the armchair across from him. I smile mischievously and take a huge scoop under his panicked look. I close my eyes and take another large bite with a content sigh. I hear him let out a gasp.

I open my eyes. His mouth is set in a frown while his eyes burn with anger. I smile.

''Give me my ice cream back!'' he orders desperately watching his little baby on my lap.

I roll my eyes. He's such a child.

''Have you ever heard of sharing?'' I ask, watching his eyes follow the spoon in my hand.

He looks up with a horrified look.

''Are you insane? I don't share my ice cream. So give it back!''

''You're worse than a girl,'' I mutter under my breath.

He probably heard me because he narrows his eyes, not looking very amused. His blue-gray eyes are a little bit darker than usual. I won't lie, he can look very scary when he wants but I'm used to it. I'm not afraid of my brother even if sometimes, I should be. One time I ended with a bruise on my cheek. It was an accident, but I have to admit it was my fault.

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